This is a great design. Not only do they pull the colours and textures of the older building, up into the tower, but they incorporate the rackhouse, without destroying it and using its elements for lobby decorations (hello other buildings in the area!!). This is really dramatic modern architecture at its best.
Wow!!! That's all I can really say right now. Saucier+Perrotte never let me down. :O
Interesting atricle from the Toronto Star

Does a 34-storey building belong in the Distillery district?

“Everyone has come to the realization that it’s a very challenging project,†says Rosenblatt, noting that it’s much more expensive to repurpose and restore a heritage structure than it is to build a new one.

The pair says the hotel is not only a strategic decision in a neighbourhood underserviced by hotels, but critical to the long-term vision of the distillery.

“The historic precinct has been restored, but it needs life day and night. The hotel will add life and energy,†says Berman. “This is important to the distillery’s long-term success as well. Look at how the Gansevoort has reinvigorated (New York’s) Meat Packing neighbourhood,†he says, referring to the luxury boutique hotel which opened in 2004.

Gansevoort is also the hotelier most closely associated with the Distillery project. Berman says they have had extensive talks with the company, but “haven’t made any firm commitments.â€

The hotel is one of Cityscape’s last developments in the Victorian-era distillery that dates back to 1832, the year author Charles Dickens turned 20. The company purchased the precinct in 2001 and has restored 44 buildings since then. Future plans call for a five-storey modern structure located where the south parking lot is now, which will move underground.

Part of the problem is that development of the Mill St. property was never included in a master plan for the area created in the 1990s, says Lintern, before the Distillery’s current owners purchased it. In the meantime, a certain amount of high-rise development has been allowed in exchange for the heritage conservation and revitalization undertaken by Cityscape.

Lintern acknowledges that “it’s a difficult building to repurpose without gutting it or adding height. But is this the right way to do it? We need to have a community meeting about it.â€

For his part Rosenblatt argues that the hotel proposal should be considered on the basis of “planning and what’s better for the Distillery,†which attracts around 2 million visits a year. About 200,000 people recently came through the Lowe’s Christmas market.

“It’s not Black Creek Pioneer Village,†says Rosenblatt. “This is where people live work and visit. If these areas are encased and preserved, who will want to go and see them?â€
The Meatpacking District is cool as hell, but I have to say, I like our Gansevoort design a lot better:

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The Meatpacking District is cool as hell, but I have to say, I like our Gansevoort design a lot better:

Agreed, I really hope the Gansevoort is realized in it's undiluted form. It will be great for the architectural culture of Toronto, and great for the cache of Gansevoort. Also agree that architecturally, the NY Gansevoort is nothing special.
Do you all think a Gansevoort will work in the Distillery District? It doesn't strike me as an area that jives with the brand. Would you accept more restaurants, bars and nightclubs in the distillery? To me, you cant have one without the other.
It's on the very edge at least, and more developments like this around the Distillery would no doubt be a blessing for the area.
Would you accept more restaurants, bars and nightclubs in the distillery?

Definitely. Hence my concerns that the residents in the new condos might put a damper on the Distillery's growth as an entertainment destination.
Definitely. Hence my concerns that the residents in the new condos might put a damper on the Distillery's growth as an entertainment destination.

A possibility is to encourage entertainment developments on Parliament and King. This is close enough to be convenient, but far enough away from most residential to not cause problems. The population in this end of downtown is set to explode so the demand is coming one way or another.
I, as an investor, experience in RealEstate, and a person that follows this type of stuff don't really think this plan will go through. The City is refusing the application because of 2 reasons:

- The current building (60 Mill St./Rackhouse D) is heritage; you can't edit it, build over it, demolish it, or even touch without the city's permission (permit).

- This design was proposed many times before around the city. It was proposed in order by date on:

1- Adelaide St. E (Near Sherbourne Ave./Parliment St.) Not Enough Space
2- Richmond St. E (Near Jarvis St.) Not Enough Space
3- Dundas St. W at Bloor St. W (Near Lansdowne) Zoning Issues

This developer has renamed his firm 3 times to present his design to the City, and not having the city refusing it every single time. No. 3 (Giraffe Condo's) was failed because it's not safe, and almost all the calculations the developer performed are all wrong.
This is the main reason why his proposals are failing.

I'm certain that this design will not work at this site (60 Mill St.) at all because of the heritage designation, MAINLY.

This type of design hasn't even appeared similar to anything close to it in Toronto.
