No way! That's awesome. I was just thinking about this proposal the other day and thinking how it's strange there's no hotel in the area.

I was a huge fan of this proposal; happy to see some movement on it.
No way! That's awesome. I was just thinking about this proposal the other day and thinking how it's strange there's no hotel in the area.

I was a huge fan of this proposal; happy to see some movement on it.

I was in the distillery this weekend and thinking the same thing. So much changed since this was first announced, fingers crossed it gets through the process without too much tinkering.
A pre-hearing meeting at the OMB is scheduled for August 2. In the meantime, the Planning Department's background file suggests that Planning continue to try to resolve issues with Cityscape on the proposal.

I'd be interested to know where they end up. I'm sure both parties are willing to talk, but then there's always this over Cityscape's head:

City Council authorize the City Solicitor, together with City Planning staff and other appropriate staff, to oppose the applicant's appeal respecting the Zoning By-law amendment application for 60 Mill Street (file no. 11 219591 STE 28 OZ) and attend any Ontario Municipal Board hearings in opposition to such appeal and retain such experts as the City Solicitor may determine are appropriate.

They're fundamentally opposed to 34s / 118m here. It'll be interesting to see if Cityscape is willing to give in on anything...

I do hope not!
The height, massing and density proposed by this proposal are a significant departure from the existing planning framework for the area, where no additions above the heritage building were contemplated.
Normally I err on the side of heritage preservation, but do city staff think there is any reasonable way this building could be restored and reused without additional vertical density? IIRC, it's full of wood barrel aging racks that are integral to the structure. The building will have to be gutted and rebuilt from the inside out, which is surely not a cheap proposition.
There is "a Heritage Easement Agreement registered on title on the property that provides parameters for the adaptive re-use, but not for additions to the heritage building." July City Council voted to send representation to oppose this at the OMB, and to continue in discussion with the proponents to find a solution in the meantime.

Is the gansevoort group still around? I thought they were not building hotels anymore. Are the plans changed? Or is it the same original renderings.
Also why is it taking so long? I think Toronto can handle another new boutique hotel. Hotels have been quite busy this summer.
To answer your first question, the proponents here are Cityscape and Dream, the same team that has redeveloped with Distillery District over the years. If the Gansevoort Group aren't around anymore (no idea, haven't been following that, you could very well be right), then Cityscape and Dream could likely easily find a new hotelier willing to manage a hotel on this site for them.

Re: question number two on why this is taking so long? You can find that answer by reading the thread, or even just the post I made which triggered your response: the City is not willing to accept the proposal in this form.

