Given the height of what looks like grass in that rendering, the tower looks to be about a metre tall.
Well you can't make this stuff up folks.

A new visionary community made out of completely generic parts with so little flare or gusto we had to show off the decades old mall nearby to give you any interest at all.

Christ and here I thought I respected Daniels just a bit more than the rest. Really hoping the other pieces do a better job
Meh - just another bland, boring, disappointing apartment building - even so, it's vastly better than the Pemberton crap down the street - I guess that's life in the burbs.
These NIMBYS were simply ignoring that fact and didnt do their research before buying.

Unfortunately, NIMBY's don't have to do research nowadays. They scream at public information meetings (which for non-infrastructure projects, are a new thing which have actually created more Nimbyism) and threaten to turf councillors at the next election--and it works.
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And just like you said interchange, they removed the cap/port hole? Whatever that would be called.
…and yet some people don't believe in The Cheapening™.

I feel kirkor is improving, they seen to have moved away from a horrid false historic pieces of crap to mediocre simple modernist towers.
Meh - just another bland, boring, disappointing apartment building - even so, it's vastly better than the Pemberton crap down the street - I guess that's life in the burbs.

Not so fast - look at half of the new towers in the entertainment district or Liberty Village - just as nasty as the burbs, maybe worse given their context.
