The Subway restaurant on the corner of Pears and Davenport closed a few months back and it hasn't been put up for lease so I assume the wheels are finally turning with some sort of activity likely in 2020 (or so we hope).
Unbelievable. There's so much going on in those renderings and the only thing that registers with you is the friggin height??
At least I've provided new info to this thread, unlike what you've just posted. When was the last time you've actually contributed anywhere on this forum?
The Subway restaurant on the corner of Pears and Davenport closed a few months back and it hasn't been put up for lease so I assume the wheels are finally turning with some sort of activity likely in 2020 (or so we hope).
Isn't this the site of the infamous "Just Desserts" shooting?
Demolition permit application posted on the front door of the corner building:

NIMBY= Not In my Back Yard:
a person who objects to the siting of something perceived as unpleasant or potentially dangerous in their own neighborhood, such as a landfill or hazardous waste facility, especially while raising no such objections to similar developments elsewhere.
"rural development arouses intense suspicion from Nimbys and conservationists".

That's the Oxford definition lol, as it applies to Toronto it's a bit more ridiculous than objecting to landfills etc . thanks that’s sad we came up with a short form for these people. But how is one a conservationist if they live in a big city? Or am I reading into the word conservation.
I think it ultimately would have looked a bit strange if the existing building was incorporated, due to its size and architectural style clashing with the proposed building.
I think it ultimately would have looked a bit strange if the existing building was incorporated, due to its size and architectural style clashing with the proposed building.
Yes I mean they would have to do a different design but still can have those garden babylon things
I'm sure there's architecture firms out there that can design it
