306 Davenport from Toronto archives.
Circa 1930 by photographer Arthur Goss
Noticed on the door of 306 today said "Notice: Residential Demolition" Dated Nov 26, 2019 and never noticed it before when I was shooting the area then.

I guess that building didn't meet Heritage Requirements.
310 Davenport is fully vacant now, in addition to the old Subway building. I assume things may finally start moving ahead.
Absolutely love it when developers/architects add trees to renderings that they know will never come to see the day of light.

I've been reviewing the landscape plans; they've put some work into the trees, including a huge plant list.

Whether that work is sincere; or well thought out........


I have some real questions about that plant list.

They've spec'ed several species that can get over 25ft tall; I even has potential for 30ft.

That make the render seem modest, as the that tree would cover 3 full floors.

Some have similar widths. One shows potential width upwards of 36ft (11 M)

I would have some real questions about:

1) Whether necessary planting space for roots has been afforded
2) Whether the weight baring load of those trees at full size has been fully considered.
3) How will maintenance will be performed on said trees.
4) Some species choices are otherwise.........ummmm, questionable. (as in I'm still looking a few up, LOL)

From the Docs:


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Absolutely love it when developers/architects add trees to renderings that they know will never come to see the day of light.
Why? Folks like the idea of living inside a condo sized Chia Pet...
I've been reviewing the landscape plans; they've put some work into the trees, including a huge plant list.

Whether that work is sincere; or well thought out........


I have some real questions about that plant list.

They've spec'ed several species that can get over 25ft tall; I even has potential for 30ft.

That make the render seem modest, as the that tree would cover 3 full floors.

Some have similar widths. One shows potential width upwards of 36ft (11 M)

I would have some real questions about:

1) Whether necessary planting space for roots has been afforded
2) Whether the weight baring load of those trees at full size has been fully considered.
3) How maintenance will be performed on said trees.
4) Some species choices are otherwise.........ummmm, questionable. (as in I'm still looking a few up, LOL)

From the Docs:

View attachment 308386

View attachment 308387
Love your tree/landscape thoughts and comments, definitely keep 'em coming!
Absolutely love it when developers/architects add trees to renderings that they know will never come to see the day of light.

Yeah. This tree rendering is beyond ridiculous.
The whole point of this development is the tree cover, it's being sold on it, and purchasers are expected to pay premium prices for it. Those trees will be planted.

Whether they flourish or not, only time will tell.

