Hopefully they will finish the undersides of the balconies
mark simpson:

I am surprised they could afford that - our Opera House couldn't.

I'm not a fan, I find the tower portion mediocre, and the red section of the base to be very sterile and institutional. But hey my opinion doesn't count at times I mean I am the only fan on here of the French Quarter.
Andrew you make some good points. Picture number 3 particularly highlights the institutional look of the base and I am not sure the entire thing is successful. But I will give it an A for effort.

The is a Core design and they have not always been successful, in my opinion, with their bases.

That being said Andrew, French Quarter is still a steaming load of shite. ;) (no disrespect).
But hey my opinion doesn't count at times I mean I am the only fan on here of the French Quarter.

Wow, someone on UT actually like it. Anyone else here willing to admit this?
^I think the buildings' bodies are pretty good representations but the rooflines and streetlevels are pathetic and/or cheap in appearance
Easily NYCC's best. I don't mind the institutional-looking podium either.
March 22



This is looking good. (awaiting urban_dreamer's comment on lack paint on underside of balconies)
From those angles the low rise section looks crooked.
It really does look crooked beyond lens distortion, so it must be a subtle detail.

This one also gets the obligatory complaint about the utilitarian box on the roof.
I see what some of you guys are saying about the base/ entry... I could just picture a couple of medical clinics and a prescription drug outlet inside there! I really love the raised portion clad in the faux orange brick finish. I think that orange contrasts really nicely with the light aqua coloured glass... could easily see this fitting into downtown rather than NYCC.
