@tstormers might know more.............but I had heard there was some some high-level discussion on a college campus at East Harbour, with residences, and that that was contemplated in the initial plans with the residences
covered as an ancillary use.
East Harbour and Corktown Public Consultations to Start in Summer and Fall 2021

Gee, Consultations and more Studies in Corktown...lol
..Good luck on this Ontario Line breaking ground before 2025
@tstormers might know more.............but I had heard there was some some high-level discussion on a college campus at East Harbour, with residences, and that that was contemplated in the initial plans with the residences
covered as an ancillary use.

I haven't heard any news on the residential front in any official capacity. It was lightly discussed way back, but like most post on here this site was reviewed with the city to be an employment zone. Entertainment uses and as @Northern Light mentioned a college/university use was also hoped for. As for residences with that college component, none that I am aware of.

I think some residential should be included, but not a lot as there are plenty of opportunities in the surrounding area to build up even midrise to support the office towers (not including the multiple transit stations proposed).

Sorry to disappoint.
East Harbour and Corktown Public Consultations to Start in Summer and Fall 2021

Gee, Consultations and more Studies in Corktown...lol
..Good luck on this Ontario Line breaking ground before 2025
You, and other UTers should REGISTER for this Town Hall on the First Parliament site - on THURSDAY EVENING. City staff, Metrolinx, Infrastructure Ontario etc will be there.

also look at: https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/...first-two-subway-transit-oriented-communities
I haven't heard any news on the residential front in any official capacity. It was lightly discussed way back, but like most post on here this site was reviewed with the city to be an employment zone. Entertainment uses and as @Northern Light mentioned a college/university use was also hoped for. As for residences with that college component, none that I am aware of.

I think some residential should be included, but not a lot as there are plenty of opportunities in the surrounding area to build up even midrise to support the office towers (not including the multiple transit stations proposed).

Sorry to disappoint.

No need to be sorry; you were informative, and in a timely way to boot!

You, and other UTers should REGISTER for this Town Hall on the First Parliament site - on THURSDAY EVENING. City staff, Metrolinx, Infrastructure Ontario etc will be there.

also look at: https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/...first-two-subway-transit-oriented-communities
A bit of residential to provide some eyes on the street would be nice to make it 'feel' safe outside of business hours.
I wonder if this provincial government would get more places with the cities if they didn't keep using their bulldoze over, build and then ask questions later narrative when it comes to infrastructure and development.

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I wonder if this provincial government would get more places with the cities if they didn't keep using their bulldoze over, build and ask questions later narrative when it comes to infrastructure and development.
I’m not the biggest fan of the provincial government, but, trusting Toronto Councillors to upzone or increase density in their own neighbourhoods is a non-starter, no matter what Adam Vaughan claims. It’s not that they’re malicious, but the people who vote heavily have a vested interest in the status quo and reducing densification.

I don’t like MZOs, and think they’re the wrong tool. I do think Steve Clark should legislate that cities above a certain size have to allow duplexes/triplexes as-of-right with minimal development fees and rules (devil is in the details). I do think the reason that isn’t being done is because it’ll affect neighbourhoods that vote PC.
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Everything someone else plans or does to do with construction development in her riding surprises KWT,
Fletcher is another one having a hard time keeping up to the times,
..Really, it's time for .younger heads to roll into City Hall and get rid of this old guard of councilors,
i guess only in this town, can you stay, 10, 20, 30yrs or even life..lol😀

Sorry don't mean to trash them but even i know for the past 5 years that hi-rise development has always been a threat to that site and that the government had planned extra density @ new transportation stations, ......just saying nothing new here
I actually think Councillor Wong-Tam is quite progressive. I’ve also never thought of her as particularly anti-development. Is she?

I wonder if her reaction here is more because the province rolled in without any consultation. But, maybe my impressions above are wrong.
Everything someone else plans or does to do with construction development in her riding surprises KWT,
Fletcher is another one having a hard time keeping up to the times,
..Really, it's time for .younger heads to roll into City Hall and get rid of this old guard of councilors,
i guess only in this town, can you stay, 10, 20, 30yrs or even life..lol😀

Sorry don't mean to trash them but even i know for the past 5 years that hi-rise development has always been a threat to that site and that the government had planned extra density @ new transportation stations, ......just saying nothing new here

This simply isn't an accurate or fair critique of KWT.

She's not getting caught off guard by private developers on private land, the vast majority of whom loop in her office long before any proposal is public.

She's getting caught off guard by the Province, who are changing plans for government owned land, sometimes not even provincially-owned land, without any prior notice.

She's also not that old...........though I am a fan of the idea of councillors moving on after a time, to share the power and the bully pulpit with others in their community.


There's no defending Fletcher...............LOL..........she's probably not guilty of anything you might throw on her...................but Miss Driving while voting at a Council Meeting; who voted the wrong-way on the University Avenue Bike Lanes many years ago and has often been seen to be a less than enthusiastic supporter of cycling; and who loves parking in new developments, and panders to Nimby sorts................has definitely over-stayed her time on Council, so far as I'm concerned.
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I’m not the biggest fan of the provincial government, but, trusting Toronto Councillors to upzone or increase density in their own neighbourhoods is a non-starter, no matter what Adam Vaughan claims. It’s not that they’re malicious, but the people who vote heavily have a vested interest in the status quo and reducing densification.

I don’t like MZOs, and think they’re the wrong tool. I do think Steve Clark should legislate that cities above a certain size have to allow duplexes/triplexes as-of-right with minimal development fees and rules (devil is in the details). I do think the reason that isn’t being done is because it’ll affect neighbourhoods that vote PC.
To be clear, I wasn't addressing the nimby leaning council in my critique. As I find that's a whole other can of worms that seriously needs to be taken a look at. In the end though, I am uncomfortable with conservative anything addressing this. Where as I prefer to have policies of evidence based reasoning and doing the right thing proactively in dealing with this, as opposed developer and/or constituency pandering.
A small tidbit is buried in a City report coming to the April 29th meeting of Executive Ctte. Said report is on the broad subject of Transit Oriented Communities and Provincial mandates around same.

Report link here: https://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2021/ex/bgrd/backgroundfile-165933.pdf

Tidbit below:

