No need to fear, you can be disappointed right now:

Currently GO platforms are built to 127 mm ATR (Above Top of Rail) height and station platform
standards reflect this. Platforms of this height require customers to board/alight a rail vehicle by
climbing two steps. However platform heights for level boarding will be 610 mm ATR (for details
on dimensions for straight and curved platform, refer GO Track Standard (GTS) plan 3004).

Wonderful... 610mm is far enough between the two European standards so as not to allow something like level boarding, not aligned to the height of the TTC subway, nor VIA platforms at Ottawa or Montreal. Of all the platforms elsewhere in the world we would be compatible with Phillipines MRT Line 1 vehicles which would never be used here.

Train Platform Height Class
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This station, in this iteration, is an insult. It's awful.
Not even the basics seem to be cared about: guaranteed level boarding, enclosure from the weather, an engaging street presence with interesting amenities within. That's without even asking for really interesting and/or stellar architecture.
The attitude "we have to do this now"..but we can't afford good, we can't afford excellent, we can't afford innovation. This haste and meanness in the name of progress is a real problem in this city. Sure, lots gets built, but little of it delights or means anything except the furtherance of commerce. Not even grand commerce! No grand plans! No passion, colour, pleasure, intrigue, variety - nothing. Just the bare grey minimum. It's insulting. It's a failure. It's practically punitive, and so I would add that whatever this nasty, base attitude is, it is wrong.

/end of rant
This station, in this iteration, is an insult. It's awful.
Not even the basics seem to be cared about: guaranteed level boarding, enclosure from the weather, an engaging street presence with interesting amenities within. That's without even asking for really interesting and/or stellar architecture.
The attitude "we have to do this now"..but we can't afford good, we can't afford excellent, we can't afford innovation. This haste and meanness in the name of progress is a real problem in this city. Sure, lots gets built, but little of it delights or means anything except the furtherance of commerce. Not even grand commerce! No grand plans! No passion, colour, pleasure, intrigue, variety - nothing. Just the bare grey minimum. It's insulting. It's a failure. It's practically punitive, and so I would add that whatever this nasty, base attitude is, it is wrong.

/end of rant

And in the meantime, we are granting the owners of the surrounding property density in excess of what was originally envisioned - all the while expectations around public realm and preservation is tossed into the garbage bin.

I wouldn't be surprised this went down...

Metrolinx: "Come on Doug, this will be our very own Berlin Hauptbahnhof..."

Doug, glancing at the proposal costing with a sexy whistle: "You better be squarin' that off before makin' it official!"

...and the rest is VE'd history. /sigh
