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Does anyone know if they are building another condo beside this, on the yacht club side? There is a giant pile of soil already laid out right beside it.
Does anyone know if they are building another condo beside this, on the yacht club side? There is a giant pile of soil already laid out right beside it.
I think so. Feel free to look that up on the site map though.

Edit/Update: More accurate info about this has been posted below.
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Does anyone know if they are building another condo beside this, on the yacht club side? There is a giant pile of soil already laid out right beside it.

Do you mean the southwest side of Eau du Soleil towards Mimico Creek? Or to describe it a bit differently, lakewards from the gas station? If so, I think that parcel is supposed to be green space. That could be wishful thinking on my part but it seems to me that this was indicated by a map that existed somewhere on this site. On the other hand, I think the days of the gas station are numbered. I have no idea how tall a building could be built on that lot.

Edit: Now that it’s morning, I have taken a closer look at the parcel through binoculars. It doesn’t look like a future construction site. The area is raised above the road level so it looks like a mound but it is more or less flat on top and the soil is “clean” looking as if it will be used for horticultural purposes, rather than being a by product of construction. I presume this is not the season of the year for planting trees and bushes or laying sod. Springtime for that, perhaps?
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Does anyone know if they are building another condo beside this, on the yacht club side? There is a giant pile of soil already laid out right beside it.
That mound of dirt will be turned into a park:
the sales centre is now gone, gone, gone, paving the way for this area to be turned into a park
The mound was spray painted green a couple of weeks ago. Not sure if it was just for fun, or if the green spray paint contained sod seeds. I suspect it was the latter.
That mound of dirt will be turned into a park:
Yes, FMJ is right: that will be parkland.
The mound was spray painted green a couple of weeks ago. Not sure if it was just for fun, or if the green spray paint contained sod seeds. I suspect it was the latter.
That practice is called hydroseeding, and yup, it's to cover the ground in grasses. I assume there will be a more formally planned park at some point (who knows why a design has not been decided upon yet, other than probably Toronto Parks, Rec, & Forestry being underfunded, The grasses will stabilize the soil until such time as a permanent design is implemented.

Incredibly beautiful building, missing only rain clouds and Batman on the roof x)
the Design is just gorgeous, as is the photo. If there is more, please share
Robin and I have perched up there a number of times now, citizen; Eau du Soleil has quite the view of your fair city. Of course to fit enough of it into our utility belts, we had to re-engineer a thinner but equally resilient batrope to scale these impressive erections, they are taller than we typically climb. Still, there are no heights to which we will not ascend to keep our eyes on the criminal underbelly of this teeming metropolis, so sleep soundly, dear Hogtownian.
Robin and I have perched up there a number of times now, citizen; Eau du Soleil has quite the view of your fair city. Of course to fit enough of it into our utility belts, we had to re-engineer a thinner but equally resilient batrope to scale these impressive erections, they are taller than we typically climb. Still, there are no heights to which we will not ascend to keep our eyes on the criminal underbelly of this teeming metropolis, so sleep soundly, dear Hogtownian.

Holy leg workout, Batman! There is a reason we don't climb this beautiful erection too often!

Do you mean the southwest side of Eau du Soleil towards Mimico Creek? Or to describe it a bit differently, lakewards from the gas station? If so, I think that parcel is supposed to be green space. That could be wishful thinking on my part but it seems to me that this was indicated by a map that existed somewhere on this site. On the other hand, I think the days of the gas station are numbered. I have no idea how tall a building could be built on that lot.

Edit: Now that it’s morning, I have taken a closer look at the parcel through binoculars. It doesn’t look like a future construction site. The area is raised above the road level so it looks like a mound but it is more or less flat on top and the soil is “clean” looking as if it will be used for horticultural purposes, rather than being a by product of construction. I presume this is not the season of the year for planting trees and bushes or laying sod. Springtime for that, perhaps?

Yes, that's the area I was referring to. The gas station does look out of place if it's being surrounded by a 60+ floor building and a park. Might not be enough space to build anything large size either.
