The connection is not just the store. The redevelopment proposal will be equally iconic in that it sets the tone for, and sets precedent for, how the street is being developed. That in turn defines the LRT’s market.
In my opinion the redevelopment proposal typifies Toronto high-profit, low-peoplecentric condo excess. When it and neighbouring projects are complete, Eglinton will be an uninteresting and unwalkable street that no one will want to visit.
The kind of street where people will continue to travel by car. And not the kind of street where an investment in LRT will pay dividends.

- Paul

Toronto seems to have a small town thinking problem. Condos will pave the way for heavy LRT use. Or, am I missing something?
^The raw case for LRT’s is built on numbers, and the density will be there.
I have no problem with the density being proposed for Eglinton, it’s needed.
What I lament is the lost opportunity to city-build by thinking more creatively into what would create an interesting and enjoyable streetscape. The numbers certainly won’t include weekend sightseers or people coming to have dinner here. There will be nothing here but fairly sterile towers. Amenities will be way down the road.
You better hope this LRT is speedy, or underground... cuz there won’t be anything worth looking out the windows at.

- Paul
Toronto seems to have a small town thinking problem. Condos will pave the way for heavy LRT use. Or, am I missing something?

I find there would be more public transit use if there were businesses that could be seen from the LRT. If we see this from a light rail vehicle, we may get a desire to go have a look.

From link.

I find there would be more public transit use if there were businesses that could be seen from the LRT. If we see this from a light rail vehicle, we may get a desire to go have a look.

From link.

And what if the LRT is never built??? They would've closed down for nothing.
Not every street can or should be Queen West.

Well, it might not get written up in the Michelin Guide as a top-ten attraction, but every neighbourhood ought to be the sort of neighbourhood where people are comfortable hanging out and not feeling the need to go elsewhere for essentials.

The plan for Eglinton pretty much guarantees that people will get in their car and drive somewhere else for groceries, toiletries, meals, and meeting people. Even to just have a walk in a park.

(As for Plant World, it was a great store, but I can't see bringing four big bags of mulch home on an LRT, no matter how great it is).

- Paul
Well, it might not get written up in the Michelin Guide as a top-ten attraction, but every neighbourhood ought to be the sort of neighbourhood where people are comfortable hanging out and not feeling the need to go elsewhere for essentials.

The plan for Eglinton pretty much guarantees that people will get in their car and drive somewhere else for groceries, toiletries, meals, and meeting people. Even to just have a walk in a park.

(As for Plant World, it was a great store, but I can't see bringing four big bags of mulch home on an LRT, no matter how great it is).

- Paul
There is literally a park at Scarlett road. If people can't walk that then there is no hope for humanity.
Most of the south side of Eglinton Avenue West in Etobicoke is a linear park, but without a name and not shown on most maps as a park.

There are also a couple of groves of trees on the north side, one at Kipling & Eglinton and another between Wincott & Islington. No official names and not shown on maps as parks.

There is also a bicycle path along the south side of Eglinton Avenue West, but it is not clearing of snow in winter because it is near or close to councillors who dislike bicycles but love the automobile. Probably also why the groves of trees are not parks, the councillors just want to sell the land for parking lots.
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Eglinton is nice and green, I agree. But measure the distance from Plant World to an ATM, convenience store, let alone pharmacy. Or an actual playing ground where one can throw a frisbee around, away from traffic. Restaurant? Grocery store? LCBO?

Maybe the new development will negotiate a back door route to LaRose plaza. Otherwise it’s a 1 km walk around the long way. That’s equally true for the rest of the neighbourhood, so perhaps there are many who like their neighbourhood bland. But it’s a long LRT ride to a Subway, even.

- Paul
Eglinton is nice and green, I agree. But measure the distance from Plant World to an ATM, convenience store, let alone pharmacy. Or an actual playing ground where one can throw a frisbee around, away from traffic. Restaurant? Grocery store? LCBO?

Maybe the new development will negotiate a back door route to LaRose plaza. Otherwise it’s a 1 km walk around the long way. That’s equally true for the rest of the neighbourhood, so perhaps there are many who like their neighbourhood bland. But it’s a long LRT ride to a Subway, even.

- Paul
You don't think there will be a rabba grocery store with a ATM in one of these towers. As for the restaurant there is a nice coffee store in one of the new buildings on Scarlett road. Plus a lrt. That's miles ahead of what I had growing up where it was a 1km walk to a 7/11 and a bus which came by once every 20-30 minutes. Plus the lrt gets you straight to yonge and Eglinton and or a transfer at Mount Dennis.
Wow this thread is surprisingly dead, does anyone know what the status of the LRT is? I know Ford has his proposed changes, whats the timeline for RFQ?
Pretty sure it's suspended for now. In fact the entirety of the city's plan for future lines is suspended I assume. Taken over by the Ford's. Last update was back in April.
Yup. Metrolinx will be taking over planning and procurement, and my understanding is that their focus is on the DRL right now. I imagine this one will pick up soon enough.
