Yonge & Sheppard has more density but not as much Asian population as Yonge & Finch. The area around Yonge & Sheppard is between 35% and 40% "East and Southeast Asian origin" according to census data. The population around Yonge & Finch is 60% East/Southeast Asian.
I think you're really confused by seeing more "East and Southeast Asian" around Yonge & Finch,.... but that's because it's KoreaTownNorth!
Note: Not all "East and Southeast Asian" are the same!!! There are cultural and food/dietary difference between different "East and Southeast Asian" nationalities.
Loblaws' T&T is a Chinese grocery store,... Galleria Supermarket is the Korean equivalent.
A Loblaws' T&T Chinese supermarket at Yonge & Finch would be extremely disruptive to KoreaTownNorth; in that T&T act as a huge magnet that not only draw in a large number of customers,... but also many other Chinese retailers and businesses will set up near T&T. That's exactly what we saw at EmeraldPark first floor retail,... just the rumour (never any "confirmation") of Loblaws T&T Chinese supermarket being the anchor tenant,.... resulted in all the EmeraldPark first floor Pacific Mall type cubicle units being sold out like hotcake to Chinese investors & mom&pop shops via VIP sales before they even officially came to market!
Yonge & Finch - KoreaTownNorth is already a successful retail district,... why mess with it? On the other hand, EmeraldPark retail levels need lots of work,.... including anchor tenant.
Demographically, each of the area's census tract shows for every person of Korean origin there's 2-3 person of Chinese origin. Area condos are always marketed at this demographic, yet,.. there's no area supermarket to service this demographic. If there was,... we'd be seeing a bigger condo boom around here!