I don't see how the curving top is going to happen - they rendered it as if it is occupied, but note that there isn't any elevator access to it. At best it can just be a scuptural element, but 5 stories worth of it? at NYCC?

I didn't think Bazis only acquired (will acquire?) that one block...this leaves the Yonge & Sheppard SW corner lot available for a large commercial/retail project. That one proposed retail space on Poyntz is in a questionable location. Emerald Park will totally block the view of the Nestle building, though, which has always had sort of a Simcoe Place effect on the North York skyline. The podium does seem weak in relation to the towers, but Yonge is being redeveloped with a 1.5-3 storey streetwall - where podiums are built at all, of course, since some towers rise up pretty much right from the sidewalk. It is a bit awkward but they're "respecting" the old 2 storey retail buildings (though 4-6 storeys would look better given Yonge's increased width).

I quite like these towers. They're really playing up the southern views (which are permanent) in these renderings. I do hope they use real emerald green glass, not wishy-washy pale turquoise. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the curved top is shortened/straightened/cheapened when the inevitable redesigned renderings appear.
I don't see how the curving top is going to happen - they rendered it as if it is occupied, but note that there isn't any elevator access to it. At best it can just be a scuptural element, but 5 stories worth of it? at NYCC?


The investment in this sculptural element is probably not any more than the costs of those over-the-top NYC hats on the New York towers at Bayview and Sheppard. And this top is certainly an aesthetic improvement over those hats.
If they get built as rendered, this could be a pretty dramatic entrance to NYCC...50 plus storeys of green glass, with the flare at the top - on height alone, could be pretty impressive. When you add Hullmark Centre across the street, a pretty grand entrance going up Yonge, imo....

but we'll have to wait and see...
Sketchup model...

Link to model at Google 3D Warehouse

(My Sketchup-ing counterpart in Astana, Kazakhstan, nicknamed "BAR", has uploaded a model of the Astana version of Emerald Park. The model is here)

The future of Sheppard-Yonge...



That's very cool, wylie. I remember you did one for Yonge and Bloor... do you have the link for that?
Fantastic, wyliepoon! I really do hope these towers are built as per the render.

It seems that North York has an over-abundance of "twin towers" and "matching sets" rather than each building having its own identity. I wish there was more variation up there.
looks good!! you could easily pop in the 2nd phase of Minto Gardens spring there.. for added density! its just on angle from the existing one.

is there anything proposed for the parking lot infront of the Nestle building?
I thought these would be right on the SW corner of Yonge and Sheppard. It will be interesting to see what they put in that spot. A nice, high-end shopping centre would be nice.

Any info on price per sq. foot?
