what is that lot behind this building that looks empty ? just to the west of the site ?
South side = Shell station
West side = Church
North side = parking lot which I believe is owned by Oxford Properties
They stay. Those beams are held in place by concrete. A hole is drilled, the beam is set into place and concrete is poured.
yey construction begins...

do we know what the plans are for the said parking lot that is currently owned by oxford properties?
Jivey asked:
I can verify that they were working today. That boring machine was drilling holes all day.

Does anyone know if they leave those long steel beams in the ground or take them out when they're done.

Look at the pages on the Hullmark thread for a discussion about how these beams are used for shoring. That work is much further progressed.

They are also welding those beams before they lower them into the pit that the drilling rig is making (working on north side of the site today). I would be interested if anyone knows what the welding might be for.

From my view during the day I cannot see any change in the beam once the welding work has been done and it is lowered in.
UD2 Noted

yey construction begins...

do we know what the plans are for the said parking lot that is currently owned by oxford properties?

There was a discussion about that parking lot in another thread earlier this year or last--it might have been Hullmark or possibly Gibson Square. That lot was originally to be for a second tower for the Nestle building, but I believe that the ownership has changed over the years. There was also another building planned for that site that was discussed in the threads.

Others can be more definitive on this.
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Not to take this thread too far off topic, I noticed on the weekend that many of the windows have been boarded up in the building with the McDonald's, just north of Sheppard. The building is rather unremarkable and could be demo'd for a redevelopment with the adjacent vacant property to the south, at the NW corner of Yonge and Sheppard. I would like to see a redevelopment of these properties and where the Yonge-Sheppard Station bus terminal is located, similar to York Mills Station.

if that happens.. I'll be sort of like a dream come true. New development in that corner would certainly make the area much mroe enticing. Though I wish it could be a commercial development as opposed to yet another condo. The area is very designed to be a business centre it'll be a shame to use it otherwise.
Thanks for the heads up, Marcus. The (potential) entire lot is huge, and prime for a Hullmark Centre type development. A strong podium that creates a street-wall presence along Yonge and Sheppard would be great. The 2 storey retail block just north of this (Harlandale to Elmhurst) could also be ripe for redevelopment soon.


I've checked the city planning website and there is nothing in the application or development process for this lot.
Somewhere in the other threads there was a discussion about this site, maybe Hullmark.

The lot to the south of the McDonald's & Hakim Optical building is TTC land (former location of Dempsey's Hardware). The word was that TTC was looking for a partner to develop it with a building that would incorporate the bus terminal to the west. The opinion in the thread or in a news article linked to it was that developers were not interested in partnering with the TTC for this one. There has been a billboard on that site for two years on a commercial development by DOV. Not certain if the two sites are jointly owned or not, but there seems to be complications for anything going up here.

That photo is interesting Travis; the building looks so isolated and out of place with that view--like it doesn't belong there.

there was a proposed one story commercial space for the empty lot on the north west coner. That however was denoted to be temporary until further development is secured.

One of the questions that I have with this development on that site is how deep they are allowed to dig on that as the subway sation should be directly beneth it.

And for the site southwest of the intersection. I think the area needs another hotel. There is currently one hotel that i can think of in the area and that is the Novotel in the NYCC. The spot has grown over the years and maybe a new hospetality/commercial/condo mixed use development would become a valuable addition.
Yeah, Yonge and Sheppard.. excellent location to build a future transportation hub with a mixed-use development, commercial podium, office-condo/hotel located overtop..
And considering that the Hullmark Centre is already set the precedent of height in the area of aprox. 170 meters, why not push for 200 meters.:)
