The curve and color is the only thing that keeps this project from being a bumbling mess. Would have been far better with better glass system. All those mullions should be reserved for a basic square box. Not something like this. Imagine L Tower wit this window system. :( Looking at the 2 developers, I'm not surprised.
I love the look, two different shades of green. the curve looks good too.
Steveve's last photo really highlights the amount of development in NYCC in the last 10 years or so. Go back to 2004 and that picture would be empty save for the office building on the left.
I'm liking it more all the time. Making a great entry point to NYCC from the south. The mullion color is like a dark green Crayola. It's looking a little more Lego all the time.
Too late to go 5 higher on both towers?
Sell out in 60 minutes.
I'm liking it more all the time. Making a great entry point to NYCC from the south. The mullion color is like a dark green Crayola. It's looking a little more Lego all the time.
Too late to go 5 higher on both towers?
Sell out in 60 minutes.

Yeah, to midgets!

With the way this developer adds floors,... keep the same building height as allowed by the city but shorten the height for each floor so they can squeeze in another 2 floors,.... then shorten the height for each floor again, so they can squeeze in another floor,.... that's how they got from 30 storey to 32 storey,... and now 33 storey. And you want them to add another 5 storey? Those condo buyers will be crawling around like cockroaches in their too low ceiling units!
keep the same building height as allowed by the city

Oh come on, for gods sake give them an extra 15-20 meters, what difference will that 20-30 years when most of those houses in the vicinity are gobbled up by developers,
you will be seeing some of the tallest towers in Toronto
Oh come on, for gods sake give them an extra 15-20 meters, what difference will that 20-30 years when most of those houses in the vicinity are gobbled up by developers,
you will be seeing some of the tallest towers in Toronto

You can cry for all the height you want on these forums,.... but you don't seem to know anything about urban planning. The problem is today. Look around. How can the area support more people? Downtown North York Centre sees one new condo tower open every 3-4 months!

Yonge-Sheppard-401 area already has worst traffic gridlock in Toronto which has worst traffic congestion in North America. The Yonge Subway is already 100% full capacity,... southbound subway is packed in AM rush, if you're trying to get on in midtown,... good luck.
Many kids are bused out of the area for school because there isn't enough capacity in the local schools. Earl Haig Secondary School was built for 1800 students, there's about 2500 students now,.... and they take their lunch breaks in three 1-hour shifts starting at 10:30am, then 11:30am and finally 12:30pm.

The infrastructure simply isn't there to support it. And the developer isn't willing to pay extra for that extra height. The more height a developer wants then the more section 37, 42, 45 development fees and concession the city wants. Tridel-Hullmark centre across the street got more height because they gave up way more in concession,... including building a 12 storey office tower and 5 storey podium office. If Emerald Park contributed more in office space then,.....
You can cry for all the height you want on these forums,.... but you don't seem to know anything about urban planning. The problem is today. Look around. How can the area support more people? Downtown North York Centre sees one new condo tower open every 3-4 months!

Yonge-Sheppard-401 area already has worst traffic gridlock in Toronto which has worst traffic congestion in North America. The Yonge Subway is already 100% full capacity,... southbound subway is packed in AM rush, if you're trying to get on in midtown,... good luck.
Many kids are bused out of the area for school because there isn't enough capacity in the local schools. Earl Haig Secondary School was built for 1800 students, there's about 2500 students now,.... and they take their lunch breaks in three 1-hour shifts starting at 10:30am, then 11:30am and finally 12:30pm.

The infrastructure simply isn't there to support it. And the developer isn't willing to pay extra for that extra height. The more height a developer wants then the more section 37, 42, 45 development fees and concession the city wants. Tridel-Hullmark centre across the street got more height because they gave up way more in concession,... including building a 12 storey office tower and 5 storey podium office. If Emerald Park contributed more in office space then,.....

Your argument is similar to a newsletter sent out by the local councillor, who railed against new developments or proposed new developments in the area, and I found it absolutely riduclous.

I've lived in the area for a little while now, and I've never had any problems with traffic or subway congestion (aside from the regular TTC delays).

Of course, not having a car helps. But even when I have driven Zipcars or friends cars outside of rush hour and the weekends, traffic is never a problem, unless there's an accident of some kind.

The area can absolutely support more people, if proper infrastructure is allowed to be built. But the Councillor is so focused on the house owning crowd that he's completely alienating people like me, who don't drive and own condos.

Take Sheppard West for example, between Beecroft and Senlac. There's derelict houses and tiny medical offices, that can and should be converted to moderately sized townhomes or condos. Instead, the Councillor has refused any development proposals and drives me crazy.
Your argument is similar to a newsletter sent out by the local councillor, who railed against new developments or proposed new developments in the area, and I found it absolutely riduclous.

I've lived in the area for a little while now, and I've never had any problems with traffic or subway congestion (aside from the regular TTC delays).

Of course, not having a car helps. But even when I have driven Zipcars or friends cars outside of rush hour and the weekends, traffic is never a problem, unless there's an accident of some kind.

The area can absolutely support more people, if proper infrastructure is allowed to be built. But the Councillor is so focused on the house owning crowd that he's completely alienating people like me, who don't drive and own condos.

Take Sheppard West for example, between Beecroft and Senlac. There's derelict houses and tiny medical offices, that can and should be converted to moderately sized townhomes or condos. Instead, the Councillor has refused any development proposals and drives me crazy.

I also live in the area and am a homeowner. There is a difference between being able to physically accomodate more people (I completely agree about Sheppard west of Yonge, for example) and having the infrastructure to actually support more people. I don't agree with Councilor Filion's small-minded fixation on home-owners...he's a can't do guy. Trying to get on the subway southbound on the Yonge line in the morning is an advertisement for why there should be no extension of that line north of Steeles. Traffic is bad but no more so than many places throughout the city. Yonge south of Sheppard is a hideous pedestrian hellscape and a giant off/on ramp for the 401. It needs a serious re-think.

The infrastructure most overwhelmed are the schools. Maybe not too much of interest to those who see things through the lens of being childless in a condo, but a significant quality of life issue for those with kids (and there are lots of us) whether living in a condo or a house in the area. I think your self-referential comments need a little more balance, FWIW.
I also live in the area and am a homeowner. There is a difference between being able to physically accomodate more people (I completely agree about Sheppard west of Yonge, for example) and having the infrastructure to actually support more people. I don't agree with Councilor Filion's small-minded fixation on home-owners...he's a can't do guy. Trying to get on the subway southbound on the Yonge line in the morning is an advertisement for why there should be no extension of that line north of Steeles. Traffic is bad but no more so than many places throughout the city. Yonge south of Sheppard is a hideous pedestrian hellscape and a giant off/on ramp for the 401. It needs a serious re-think.

The infrastructure most overwhelmed are the schools. Maybe not too much of interest to those who see things through the lens of being childless in a condo, but a significant quality of life issue for those with kids (and there are lots of us) whether living in a condo or a house in the area. I think your self-referential comments need a little more balance, FWIW.

I'm not saying more infrastructure isn't needed, and I am aware that being childless means I don't have to deal with the school issue...but the lack of a schools seems like a (relatively) easy situation to fix...If the money is there. Instead of Filion fighting further development, maybe he could extract enough money from several developments to build more schools. I believe there was a condo project on Eglinton near Yonge that rebuilt a high school in order to proceed with the development.

I also agree with you about Yonge south of Sheppard....which is why I'm glad Emerald and Hullmark will come online soon. Eventually, more pedestrians will require better conditions, and we might see progress on improving the area.

However, I've gotten on Sheppard for 5 years, and I've always been able to get on, unless there's been some other problems. You're not going to get a seat, but you'll definitely get on. That's undeniable.
You'll get on, sometimes after one or two trains. That's a pretty low bar though.I know people that drive to Finch just so they can get a seat and not arrive at work irritated and having been jostled for 45 minutes.

Building schools is about as far from being an easy fix as there is. You are naive. Between TDSB budgets and politics, local resident concerns, local MPP involvement, dealing with politics between two public school boards, and useless local councilors overreaching, it takes years if not decades. The new K-8 Catholic school in Lansing took well over a decade, and serves very few truly local needs for schools.
It's kind of funny that people in my area (Yonge & Eg) oppose new condos because the Yonge line is too full yet there are huge condos about to come online at Yonge & Sheppard. Actually I'm not sure if that's funny or not :)

Hopefully the new signalling system and more rocket trains will help. I'm noticing more development along the Spadina line in North York as well (Downsview/Wilson area).

Anyways as many others have said, this condo does look good driving north on Yonge.
Building schools is about as far from being an easy fix as there is. You are naive. Between TDSB budgets and politics, local resident concerns, local MPP involvement, dealing with politics between two public school boards, and useless local councilors overreaching, it takes years if not decades. The new K-8 Catholic school in Lansing took well over a decade, and serves very few truly local needs for schools.

Actually that's not a "new" school. Yes, the school building is brand new and just opened January (a few months late). But St.Edward Catholic School (elementary) is really a relocated school from the other side of Sheppard West. It used to be at the north-east corner of Burnett Ave & Eddfield Ave right up against York Cemetery. It was in the neighbourhood north-west of Sheppard West and Senlac. Thus, most of the kids that attend St.Edward Catholic School are from that old neighbourhood,... not the new one!
Your argument is similar to a newsletter sent out by the local councillor, who railed against new developments or proposed new developments in the area, and I found it absolutely riduclous.

Perhaps you should run against the local councillor in the next municiple election.

I've lived in the area for a little while now, and I've never had any problems with traffic or subway congestion (aside from the regular TTC delays).

Of course, not having a car helps. But even when I have driven Zipcars or friends cars outside of rush hour and the weekends, traffic is never a problem, unless there's an accident of some kind.


The area can absolutely support more people, if proper infrastructure is allowed to be built.

Sure any area can support more people,.... if proper infrastructure is built. But that's the thing,... the proper infrastructure isn't being built!!!! We're always behind the 8-ball!

In fact, get an idea of how much property tax money this ward generates for the city,... and look at what this ward gets back in infrastructure,... its robbery!

When was the last time a brand new school was actually built in this ward? Sure there's been some schools that have been rebuilt with Section 37 developer deals. But have not been a new school built in this area that is desperately under capacity.

The Yonge-401 interchange is a total mess, the southbound Yonge to eastbound left turn causes gridlock throughout south North York Centre in rush hour! Yes, try driving in rush hour,.... of course traffic will not be a problem when you drive in the middle of the night!

Look at the Avondale Community Condominium Association (ACCA: about 15 condo towers north-west of Yonge-401 interchange), it takes some of those condo folks 30 minutes to drive from the parking lot to the corner of Avondale and Yonge so they can go on southbound Yonge to the 401. 30 minutes!!! And in the winter its closer to an hour!

The Yonge-401 interchange is so crappy, it backs up the westbound collector to Bayview and Leslie,... yes, during rush hour (when you don't drive). Most folks give up on Yonge-401 and use Bayview or Leslie,... thus most of the top 10 worst traffic intersections in the city are along Sheppard! And Toronto has the worst traffic congestion in North America,... so that gives you an idea of how bad it is,....

But the Councillor is so focused on the house owning crowd that he's completely alienating people like me, who don't drive and own condos.

You can't be serious!

Don't make this into a House owner Vs Condo owner-renter battle. That doesn't make sense at all. Over 60% of the residents in this ward, Ward 23 (Willowdale - ie North York Centre area), are Condo and appartment folks! That's over 60% of the voters of this ward! It doesn't make sense that the local councillor would side with House owners vs Condo folks and alienating Condo folks - the majority of his voters!

I don't recall the local councillor ever holding a house summit! Here's the link for the local councillor's Condo summit on Sunday April 6 at North York Civic Centre.

In fact, condo folks as represented by the Avondale Community Condominium Association (ACCA: about 15 condo towers north-west of Yonge-401 interchange) and Yonge Corridor Condominium Association (YCCA: about 50 condo towers along Yonge between 401 and Finch hydro corridor) are just as pissed at the gridlock traffic, 100% full capacity Yonge line, lack of local school capacity, lack of infrastructure,... and yes, even the over-development in the area! The Condo-folks get it worst than the house folks,... because the condo-folks have to get their cars out of their underground parking spots in AM rush like all the other folks in their condos,.... and the kids from houses get first priority at the local schools - so condo kids are the ones that are usually bused out.

Take Sheppard West for example, between Beecroft and Senlac. There's derelict houses and tiny medical offices, that can and should be converted to moderately sized townhomes or condos. Instead, the Councillor has refused any development proposals and drives me crazy.

And that drives you crazy,.... not the gridlock traffic, crappy TTC service, kids being bused out,.... hmmm,....

Yes, let's take Sheppard West between Beecroft and Senlac. Those derelict houses and tiny medical offices,... probably highest density of dentist office and plastic surgeons anywhere - people driving by must wonder if everyone who lives around here has are seriously ugly with terrible teeth!,... anyways, those derelict houses and tiny medical offices are being converted to 3,4 or 5 storey office building for larger medical offices,.... or other office use like mortgage brokers, insurance, investment, foreign governement offices, etc,... If you add up all the office spaces along Sheppard West between Beecroft and Senlac,... how many office tower would that be equal to??? That's what we need more of in this area,... offices - places of employment - for good jobs,... so the people who actually live in the area can have jobs that they can WALK to and not rely on the TTC or drive! In good urban planning, there must be a balance between office-work places of employment and land for residential use,.... in North York Centre, we've seen over 50 condos in the last 17 years since Amalgamation,... and only one office tower built (not including HullmarkCentre 12 storey under construction now). The absolute dumbest thing would be to replace those office space along Sheppard West between Beecroft and Senlac with townhouses and condos!
