Is this intentional ?

Do you really think Bazis is that stupid?,.... if you could see me, you'd see me kinda nodding! ;p Hey, this is the same developer that couldn't do basic math for their EmeraldPark WestTower,.... original design about 5 feet short of original allowance by city,.... so after constructing about 8 floors just chop off about 8 inches of ceiling height for each floor above so they can squeeze in 2 more storey of profit!

Anyways,.... If you look very carefully at my last photo, you'd notice the signage over the TTC entrance doorway at EmeraldPark is white,... actually, you should notice a very faint yellow circle for Line 1, faint blue accessibility signage, maybe even a faint pink Line 4 symbol and some white lettering,... all very faint,.... well, the TTC signage was put in backwards until that entrance is open,..... but it seems someone turned on the lighting for the signage today, so now it's more visible but everything is backward as in your photo.


This above signage is wrapped in garbage bag plastic since the TTC entrance isn't open yet.

Since both signage are lighted up, I'm guessing it's from the same switch which is probably controlled from within the TTC subway station.


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Update on the tunnel from my TTC sources. I asked a few questions; here's their response.

What work remains at this location and do you have an opening date yet?

TTC electricians are scheduled this weekend to complete the electrical connections required for this entrance connection including, but not limited to, lighting, emergency power, and receptacle power. TTC is expecting this work to be completed by Monday October 17th.

Who makes final inspection and signs off?

The City and TTC are responsible for the final inspections and sign-offs. The developer has stated that they will schedule the inspection with the City for occupancy within the next two weeks and in time for occupancy prior to October 31st. TTC will also carry out an inspection within the next two weeks in order to provide their sign off of the work as well.

When will final inspection occur and will hoarding be removed within 1-2 days?

The developer is targeting occupancy/opening of the entrance connection prior to October 31st. Upon final inspection by the City and TTC, as noted above, the hoarding will be removed within one day’s time.

SunnyRay might owe me a Tim Horton's coffee if it does open by Oct. 31 and not later. I'll be surprised myself if all involved parties honor the current deadline,but they say they will do it this time.
"Do you really think Bazis is that stupid?"

After witnessing a series of blunders, such as a single toilet in a food court, no plumbing, an accessible sign on the TTC entrance and other fun stuff, I will admit that the thought has crossed my mind.

"SunnyRay might owe me a Tim Horton's coffee"

I am betting that SunnyRay will get to keep his pocket change. All the TTC has to do is to find a cracked tile or a misaligned sign to delay the scheduled opening. What are the chances ? Hmmm. Pretty high. BUT... there is always hope that I will not need to slalom around the cars blocking the pedestrian crossing across Yonge after Halloween.

Thank you for sharing the update !
Constructo, No problem,... TimHortons coffee and donut!

I've never seen Bazis meet a deadline at EmeraldPark,... even revised delivery dates are constantly missed and pushed back,.... again and again,.... I've been here long enough to know that if Bazis says something, I'll bet on the opposite of whatever Bazis promises,... and I'll win like 80% of the time! ;p

Last month, you mentioned Bazis "encountered issues with their consultants regarding the installation of the ventilation damper in place of the open stairway. This damper will form part of the ventilation system for the station."

So today, I took some photo of the TTC vent shaft (just outside EmeraldPark TTC entrance) from street-level looking down,.... can't really tell if ventilation damper still isn't complete or if they're just using the area as a staging or storage area since it's behind a lockable door,... anyways, there's a couple of large green tool-storage box, ladder, chair, etc,... which basically means they're not finish yet,... or they anticipate on returning.

This signage on wall seems to have been moved up,... thus, drywall repair and paint work needs to be done and of course clean up before final inspection. This other wall signage on pedestrian tunnel level will likely need to be moved up as well,...
Finishing line is visible but still need TTC final inspection,..... The signage at bottom of stairs is wrong,.... the upside down U arrow seems to say do a U turn by turning left,.... problem is that'll get you into P1 parking level! It should say do U turn by turning right and follow arrow of sign on wall. I wonder if TTC final inspection will catch that,....

UncleMeat,.... yes TTC is very strict during and after final inspection,.... cracked tiles at HullmarkCentre South TTC entrance near their P1/WholeFood/Condo entrance developed after it opened due to the heavy door,.... of course TTC insisted Tridel replace them and it took about a year. Just outside the automatic turnsile at Poyntz TTC entrance, during construction Tridel contractors scratched the bottom of one of the TTC signage hanging from the ceiling,... TTC insisted that Tridel repair the paint scratch; it's minor but hilarious watching Tridel painters touch-up the bottom of the sign with basic black paint. Currently there's minor water damage to ceiling of underground pedestrian tunnel for Tridel HullmarkCentre north TTC entrance just outside the first doors to Sheppard collector area,... you can bet TTC are sticking it to Tridel for the water leak repairs,.... it seems to be directly under the water fountain mural of HullmarkCentre public plaza.


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Not surprising,..... another one for my collection,.... but at least the change in bogus promise dates are getting shorter,.... this one from late October to late November,....


Yes, I'm still comfortable with my prediction for February 2017 EmeraldPark TTC entrance opening,.....


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Nobody is more annoyed than me and TTC staff. This project was 99% complete a month ago and I thought that the late Oct. deadline was easily attainable; a quick cleanup, remove the hoarding, and it's open. I checked the site on Oct. 23, found a few deficiencies which were the responsibility of Bazis and advised TTC staff to push Bazis for completion. TTC staff attended the site with Bazis management on Mon. Oct. 24 and Bazis told them at that time it would not be completed until late Nov. Why? Incredibly, Bazis has not yet installed fire alarm devices and they need to replace the fire alarm panel. Why wasn't this work done months ago? Bazis said the work would start the next day followed by a city inspection upon completion.
Bazis is making the TTC look bad because the public incorrectly thinks it's entirely a TTC project and it's the TTC that posts the signage showing projected completion dates. It's unfortunate that the signs don't have the Bazis name on them. We're seeing the real Bazis management and construction team. In the bigger picture, this tunnel means little to them. Their staff is busy on other construction sites so "we'll finish it when we can find some time. but there's no rush" and there's nothing that the TTC can do. It's not surprising that myself and others on this forum have seen this project sitting idle for weeks and months waiting for Bazis. I'm wondering what the final build quality is like at their other condos after seeing their shortcomings at Emerald. Any comments?
Nobody is more annoyed than me and TTC staff. This project was 99% complete a month ago and I thought that the late Oct. deadline was easily attainable; a quick cleanup, remove the hoarding, and it's open. I checked the site on Oct. 23, found a few deficiencies which were the responsibility of Bazis and advised TTC staff to push Bazis for completion. TTC staff attended the site with Bazis management on Mon. Oct. 24 and Bazis told them at that time it would not be completed until late Nov. Why? Incredibly, Bazis has not yet installed fire alarm devices and they need to replace the fire alarm panel. Why wasn't this work done months ago? Bazis said the work would start the next day followed by a city inspection upon completion.
Bazis is making the TTC look bad because the public incorrectly thinks it's entirely a TTC project and it's the TTC that posts the signage showing projected completion dates. It's unfortunate that the signs don't have the Bazis name on them. We're seeing the real Bazis management and construction team. In the bigger picture, this tunnel means little to them. Their staff is busy on other construction sites so "we'll finish it when we can find some time. but there's no rush" and there's nothing that the TTC can do. It's not surprising that myself and others on this forum have seen this project sitting idle for weeks and months waiting for Bazis. I'm wondering what the final build quality is like at their other condos after seeing their shortcomings at Emerald. Any comments?

Ahhh,... so now you're finding out that everything that I posted in my first response to you is true,...

Welcome to my world,.... this thread is over 130 pages long and I've documented many of Bazis' flaws at EmeraldPark here over the years,....

The problem with Bazis is there's never any urgency to get anything done; it seems their first and only priority is to maximize their own profit by minimizing costs, cutting corners and thus screwing over everyone else - including everyone they deal with, their customers, their contractors, their partners, city staff,.... Bazis delivery for every single component at EmeraldPark was late,... even missing multiple revised delivery dates. Every city staff I've talked to absolutely hate working with Bazis because they're constantly doing last minute changes, revisions, cutting corners and screwing everyone over. They even screwed over their church partner across the street,... the church that did the density and height transfer that allowed EmeraldPark to be as large as it is. That's why the little 2 storey church-city community centre will take another 6 month to complete way after 32 & 40 storey EmeraldPark already completed construction.

And Bazis is so cheap, they won't pay anyone any overtime to keep a project on schedule,.... when Bazis EmeraldPark and Tridel HullmarkCentre was under construction, I would constantly see Tridel construction workers staying late and working weekends to keep that project on schedule,... rarely would anything like that happen at Bazis EmeraldPark. And the Tridel in-house construction workers look like seasoned professional,... whereas the Bazis EmeraldPark workers looked more like manual labourers,... and I would say this is where the quality issue starts.

Anyways,... how's Bazis' build quality? There's definitely a trend where Bazis go after property near subway/LRT interchange stations to design unconventional looking towers and market them as luxury units but deliver regular condo units - delivered late with many corners cut. Bazis constantly over-promises and under-deliver!
- well, let's just say Bazis' first Toronto project, Crystal-Blu, was so disappointing and came nowhere close to the original renderings (both interior and exterior) with poor build quality that folks were routinely taking a hammer to the Crystal Blue accents they pasted on the outside wall of that building
Christopher Hume was generous giving it a "C"
- second project was 1 Bloor East where they advertised prices starting in 200K,... and after folks lined up for a week - just before sales office opened, they changed the advertised price to start in the 400k,.... later their financial bank LehmanBrothers went belly up in 2008 financial crash and they lost financing,.... and Bazis lost about $20 million when they were forced to sell that land,... yes, I now believe in Karma!
Interestingly, the UrbanToronto forum of the original Bazis proposal for 1 Bloor disappeared,.... there's only the new GreatGulf 1 Bloor East development

As seen after the 2008 financial crash, Bazis is a relatively new developer in Canada and facing a more challenging financial situation will need to partner with other developers on large projects.
- EmeraldPark stalled then partnered with Metropia & Plaza is Bazis' third project in Toronto, their first major mixed-use project with retail mall base, office condo floor, and dual residential towers,... with direct TTC subway entrance. For Bazis, there's a lot of first here and a lot they had to learn,... and a lot of places where they messed up,... mainly due to them cutting corners to save cost,... Sales started in July 2008 with promised delivery date of 2011,... but CityPlanning approval didn't come until Spring 2010 and construction started in 2011 with new 2013 promised delivery date,.... but project delivery was in March 2015 for WestTower condo, Fall 2015 for EastTower condo, Oct 2015 for retail though construction finished in Spring 2016 and office in early 2016. When Bazis started construction of EmeraldPark in 2011, this was their only project under construction so all their focus was on EmeraldPark. Towards the end, there were other Bazis projects under construction but at different stages of construction; thus it was generally the fix-up repair type of work at EmeraldPark where they had to bring back some of the workers from other sites.

Note: Bazis - TMG next project was really building the underground parking lot for LansingUnitedChurch community centre. Bazis - TMG was originally to build the entire community centre with only surface parking and shared parking in EmeraldPark. But Bazis -TMG managed to piss off LansingUnitedChurch so much that the church decided it wants nothing to do with Bazis - including the shared parking in EmeraldPark so in exchange, Bazis - TMG was required to build underground parking lot under the new community centre. Of course, the already planned community centre on top can't start construction under new project manager and construction team Berkim until Bazis - TMG completes their requirements of building the underground parking structure which they completed earlier this year and now Berkim has taken over to complete the community centre to be open in April 2017.

Bazis next few projects haven't delivered yet so there's no buyer feedback yet,.... but now Bazis is juggling 3 large projects at the same time,.... whereas with EmeraldPark for the most part it was just 1 and we've seen how poorly EmeraldPark was constructed and executed,.... so I'm not expecting any better with Bazis' other projects! With all Bazis projects it's generally all the same builder and contractors like TMG that worked with Bazis on EmeraldPark. In the industry TMG usually have a good reputation for building efficiently and quickly with their unique construction system but we certainly didn't see that efficiency at EmeraldPark!

- Next is Bazis' Exhibit condo with partner Metropia & Plaza,... minimalistic white blocks stacked irregularly on top of each other across from the ROM,... almost complete
- Then E-Condo with partner RioCan & Metropia at northeast corner of Yonge & Eglinton,... reached ground level a few months ago now about 4 storey of cement,.... one regular black condo tower and a northern skinny condo tower almost like an EmeraldPark tower without the leaning top
- 1 Yorkville with partner Plaza is in foundation shoring stage

Last year CityPlanning had issue with EmeraldPark's leaky foundation and thus lack of adequate parking spaces, underground water filtration system that was late and thus required a constant stream of water tankers trucks to empty out their cement water reservoir,... which BTW, is buried directly in front of the Yonge Street frontage stores and thus very close to the EmeraldPark TTC entrance and tunnel,... but why worry about their build quality, even though they've constantly been required by city to replace cement sidewalks which seems to have habit of cracking prematurely,... this seems to be what happens when Bazis and TMG go with cheapest bidder and then screw over their contractors,...


Anyways,... Yes, I do agree that the EmeraldPark TTC subway entrance is basically 99% done,... and a chump like me can probably go in there a weekend and finish it off myself,... the only thing that seems to need to be done are re-patching some drywall (less than half day work for drywaller), repainting a few spots where signage was moved higher (less than half day work for painter), installing key locks on fire-doors (8 doors maybe half day work for locksmith), installing a handicap push button door opener (half day work for an electrician),... I didn't even notice the fire alarm issues but I guess that's what those exposed wirings from ceiling were for (probably 2 days work for electrician),... a good thorough clean up of the area (2-3 days work for cleaner),... and half a days work to take down hoarding and clear out vent shaft area used as staging area. And these estimates are likely very liberal! Bazis just has to send workers over to EmeraldPark to do the work,.... but Bazis priority now is focused on delivery of Exhibit and E-Condo which are both already late,.... but at the end of the day, Bazis doesn't give a crap about EmeraldPark, they sold out all the condo, retail and office space - some have since defaulted and need to be resold again but they don't care.

While blaming the TTC is Torontonian's favourite pass-time, I understand the EmeraldPark TTC entrance delays isn't the TTC's fault,... I've gone through the documents and as per most development with direct subway connection, the TTC just collects a fee but it's the developer (Bazis) that's responsible for construction of the direct connection to the TTC subway entrance, both on the developer's property and on city's property (the underground pedestrian tunnel). And apparently the developer (Bazis) can cheap out on their property and not construct with floor to ceiling tiles like a standard TTC entrance and that seems to be what's happening here. But in long term the lack of durability of the EmeraldPark TTC entrance will require it to undergo more future shutdown for repairs.

I really don't understand how there could be handicap accessible signage throughout the EmeraldPark TTC entrance.
For the signage that points from the pedestrian tunnel to EmeraldPark and street-level having handicap accessible signage is fine since it leads to elevator within EmeraldPark from pedestrian tunnel level to street-level. But for signage that points from EmeraldPark and street-level towards the pedestrian tunnel and TTC fare area it's not handicap accessible since the fare area only has automated turnstile. And even if the automated turnstile gets changed to handicap accessible Presto flip door turnstile,.... the person in a wheelchair will still have to deal with going down 4 flights of stairs or an escalator,... at this Sheppard-Yonge south entrance, there's no handicap accessible elevators between the TTC fare area and the Yonge subway platform. During negotiation for the direct subway connections, both Bazis EmeraldPark and Tridel HullmarkCentre refused to contribute anything towards the construction of escalators from paid fare area down to Yonge train platform and without that financing the elevator project never went any further.

The city and TTC really needs a way to financially punish developers who constantly miss deadlines and inconvenient the citizens of this city.

Because this EmeraldPark TTC entrance have been closed since 2014, TTC customers who uses this entrance must cross Yonge Street to use the HullmarkCentre south TTC entrance - which is challenging especially during rush hour because there's usually cars in the northbound Yonge lanes failing to clear the intersection and thus block the intersection. This cause issues for both pedestrians and other vehicles from Tridel HullmarkCentre, Menkes Proctor&Gamble Building and Menkes Cosmos condos trying to access Yonge Street using this Yonge & Poyntz/Anndale intersection,.... so much so that the WestLansingHomeownersAssociation and YongeCorridorCondominiumAssociation teamed up to get Councillor Filion and the city to do something about it,.... Since the city has temporarily stationed 2 police officers at the corner of Yonge & Sheppard for Mayor Tory crackdown on congestion, one of these police officer has been re-assigned to the corner of Yonge & Poyntz/Anndale temporarily. The police officer should be stationed at this corner during rush hours permanently until EmeraldPark TTC subway entrance is open,... and this should be billed back to the developer! Then the Bazis will actually have a financial incentive to actually get this EmeraldPark TTC subway entrance open!

EmeraldPark condo residents were promised and paid a premium for direct subway connection; EmeraldPark condo residents started moving in to EmeraldPark in March 2015 but has been without direct subway connections. Condo residents already had their turnover so from a legal perspective the condo residence might have a case to sue the developer.

EmeraldPark retail and office owners are in the same situation and their business are suffering due to the lack of direct subway connection. They haven't had an official turnover yet, so it'll be more difficult for retail and office owners to sue developer since they're still technically represented by the developer!

Constructo, well, it doesn't look like EmeraldPark TTC entrance will be open by late October,.... and I doubt late November opening,.... heck, if EmeraldPark TTC entrance is open by the end of this year, I'll treat you to coffee and donuts at the new TimHortons at EmeraldPark!

The really pathetic part of all this EmeraldPark TTC subway entrance delay is that if my February 2017 opening holds true,... then the GibsonSquare indirect TTC entrance will likely open first!
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The city and TTC really needs a way to financially punish developers who constantly miss deadlines and inconvenient the citizens of this city.

Is it really inconvenient? There are only eight other entrances to the TTC station, one of which is right across the street from Emerald Park. I wouldn't be surprised if Sheppard-Yonge has the most entrances of any station
It will be more inconvenient during winter times. The tunnel saves you from having to cross the horrendous traffic of that part of Yonge street.

I don't see the tunnel bringing much traffic here because like amnesiajune said there are already 8 entrances. The subway "gate" the tunnel leads to does not even have presto so other tunnels will be preferred. Coming up from the tunnel it is hard to find the tunnel that goes to EP in the first place, there are no signs/directions. Even if you do find the tunnel you will have to walk up a relatively high amount of stairs. The tunnel however adds a lot of value to the minds of the "investors" who bought property here and the potential tenants simply because there are not a lot of condo malls that are connected by subway tunnels. These "investors" will blame anything but themselves for how un-leasable their "investment" is. First they blame the lack of water, then they got they will probably blame the subway. The owners do get inquiries on their units but because the mall is so empty they get bargain hunters that offer lower than asking price for the rent. They are not quick to accept the offers since commercial leases are usually 5+ years long so whatever offer they accept they will be stuck with it for a long time. So they wait and wait until their asking price is met. They are experiencing more and more inquiries however due to increased traffic from the food court units opening.

Anyways the turnover for the commercial owners successfully occurred last week after the 2nd attempt. The first one could not go through because they could not reach 25% of owners present. The Malatang food court restaurant opened around 2 weeks ago to great reception from the condo's residents (its now the busiest unit in the food court!). The nutrition supplement store and hair salon seem to have bailed with the fax/tax/computer repair shop likely coming in next year. There is a printing business that wants to set up here as well as an insurance one.

As Sunnyray said there are now suddenly 11 commercial units for sale with 4 of them being retail. The developer seems to have tasked the first floor real estate unit to market and sell them.


As you can see here they are still marketing the mall as being occupied by Metro (haha)...and yes LCBO as well but I don't think anytime soon... The prices for retail units are at a 15% discount from current market prices (but is it really market price if no one buys?) and a premium of around 45% from pre-construction prices. 3/4 retail units that defaulted are in surprisingly good locations either being a corner unit close to the elevators/TTC entrance or being close to the escalators.


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There are only eight other entrances to the TTC station, one of which is right across the street from Emerald Park. I wouldn't be surprised if Sheppard-Yonge has the most entrances of any station

Actually off the top of my head,... Finch TTC subway station has about 11 entrances,... surprise!!!

The fact that Sheppard-Yonge TTC subway station has so many entrances just shows how poorly designed it is. I can't even count the number of people who asked me "where's the entrance to the Sheppard-Yonge TTC subway station?" when they're right at the corner of Yonge and Sheppard!

The original Sheppard TTC subway station started off like a standard subway station but with all the developments nearby getting direct subway connection, the subway entrances generally becomes more hiden away from the street (think Menkes Proctor&Gamble building entrance or even SheppardCentre), bus terminal is far from subway line and has another entrance on Harlandale, and when they retro-fited the Sheppard STUBway line on top of Yonge Subway Line they added new entrances specifically for Sheppard STUBway line.

Is it really inconvenient?

Yes, it's really is inconvenient to cross Yonge Street at Poyntz Ave / Anndale Dr,.... and dangerous too! Since to access Tridel HullmarkCentre's south TTC entrance, local folks living west of Yonge including EmeraldPark residents, must cross Yonge Street at a poorly design intersection where northbound Yonge Street traffic consistently fail to clear the intersection and blocks it off to pedestrians and other vehicular traffic. Here's some photos of the situation,...

First photo shows Yonge & Poyntz/Anndale (looking west) where northbound Yonge traffic routinely fails to clear the intersection and end up blocking off pedestrian crossing east-west Note: Pedestrian signal light showing these east-west pedestrian (probably EmeraldPark condo folks trying to get back to their condo) have the right of way to legally cross Yonge Street but are blocked off by vehicles in all 3 lanes of northbound Yonge traffic

Second photo shows Yonge & Poyntz/Anndale (looking east) where northbound Yonge traffic routinely fails to clear the intersection and end up blocking off not just pedestrian crossing east-west (Note: Pedestrian signal light showing these east-west pedestrian have the right of way) but also both lanes of vehicular traffic westbound from Anndale Drive (Note: Vehicular green signal light showing east-west traffic on Anndale-Poyntz have right of way - probably drivers from HullmarkCentre, Menkes Cosmos and Minto Spring/Radiance trying to get onto Yonge Street),... here the blockage is so bad that the light blue SUV doing left turn from southbound Yonge to eastbound Anndale Drive can't even find room to do the turn and clear the intersection.

This situation improved in the last few months,.... because the WestLansingHomeownersAssocation and YongeCorridorCondominiumAssociation got local Councillor Filion and city's Transportation Services to investigate and improve this intersection,... by re-time and sync this signalized intersection with the adjacent ones so that northbound Yonge traffic can flow through more smoothly.

The EmeraldPark TTC Subway entrance replaces a curbside TTC entrance which closed June 2014 and was supposed to re-open in "early 2015",... so this gives you an idea how much the locals have been putting up with this crap,... because Bazis can't be bothered to complete its TTC subway entrance anytime soon,.... that's why they need a financial penalty. Otherwise, they just keep taking their sweet time and delay opening their promised TTC entrance because they know they can get away with it,...


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The Yonge corridor between 401 and Sheppard has about 23 condo towers (mainly on east side) and 5 office towers but is relatively lacking in ready-made food establishments, most ready-made food establishments are on Yonge but north of Sheppard,.... thus, from a strategic stand point, it makes sense to establish more ready-made food establishments south of Sheppard like at EmeraldPark to be closer to the under-served Condo folks south of Sheppard - condo folks tend to be younger and busier with less time to cook for themselves. The food court at EmeraldPark is starting to fill up with a variety of different type of food establishments - the challenge is to get people to realize there actually is a food court hidden in the back!,... otherwise, it will suffer the same fate as the food court in the back of the lower concourse level of NorthYorkCityCentre,.... yeah, there used to be a food court back there near Beecroft a long time ago, now its a fitness gym.

Also, the little plaza on west side of Yonge on the block directly south of EmeraldPark is also becoming more and more food oriented,.... the long time coffee-donut place became a breakfast place a few years ago and now its a HeroBurger, a flower shop became sushi place then asian desert and now very popular Thai food place (after opening for 6 months renovated again to expand seating!),.... and the mailbox place is now becoming a Smoke's Poutinerie,... Yep, that's right,... you know this 'hood is cool,... when a Smoke's Poutinerie shows up! The Gold-Pawn shop closed down and space now up for lease - probably will be another food place!



Obvious question is why didn't Smoke's Poutinerie set up shop in EmeraldPark? Was it an issue of lack of visible parking spaces? Or rent too high? Or they wanted higher visibility than being stuck in food court? Or they wanted their own indoor seating area? And freedom to open whenever they want (VS restricted hours for food court),... Or maybe its store would have been classified as a restaurant and required on-site washroom facilities,.... which is difficult for EmeraldPark Yonge frontage stores.


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The food court units with a door to the outside can open until whenever. However all these units are taken save for some very small tiny units. The rest are towards the inside and are very large meaning big maintenance fees and rent. I wouldn't say rent is an issue for Smoke's, that storefront they have is at least 10K a month. It's just they probably found out about the place too late or don't even know its there at all...

Update: We got a nice chair out in the front of Yonge street now. I think that's the only chair within a 1km radius.
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Update: We got a nice chair out in the front of Yonge street now. I think that's the only chair within a 1km radius.

Actually, there's another city issued bench about 180m away on Sheppard Ave East just east of HullmarkCentre. They're part of the city's street furniture program,.... city issued bench on city property right in front of the soon to open TimHortons



Also, notice how the city issued bench is placed to align with the western edge of tree planters,.... if they go ahead with ReImagining Yonge Street proposal, they'll likely have to shave off the eastern edge of these tree planters to make room for cycle track between approx where the curb is an the tree planters. One of my previous post already documented how difficult at times it can be crossing Yonge Street at PoyntzAve/AnndaleDr, now imagine having to also deal with crossing 2 sets of 2.7m wide cycle tracks at the same time,... increasing pedestrian Yonge Street crossing distance by 5.4m at Yonge & Sheppard, Yonge & Poyntz-AnndaleDr and Yonge & Florence-Avondale Ave. If crossing 7 lanes of traffic wasn't fun, now pedestrians will be crossing basically 8-9 lanes of traffic. Of Toronto/Policy, Planning, Finance & Administration/Public Consultation Unit/Studies/Transportation/Yonge St North Revitalization Study/Avondale to Hollywood.pdf
Click on consultation tab:

Currently, the city is considering adding wide protected cycle track along Yonge Street in North York Centre, 3 concerns for EmeraldPark Retail, Office tenants and residents:
- the wide cycle track would shave off part of or eliminate the new in-ground tree planters in the pedestrian sidewalk on Yonge Street in front of EmeraldPark
- based on the retail customer, office and residential demographic of EmeraldPark which does not seem to cycle much, the reduction of vehicular traffic lanes from 6 down to 4 on Yonge Street north of Sheppard will adversely affect customers driving to EmeraldPark by way of increasing the level of local traffic congestion
- elimination of left turns from northbound Yonge to westbound Bogert Ave and also to westbound Sheppard Ave will make it more difficult for cars going to EmeraldPark.

City has already added a sitting bench along Yonge Street in-line with the in-ground tree planters in front of the TimHortons at EmeraldPark. So far, the city has left the space in-line with the in-ground tree planters (from tree planters to corner post) in front of EmeraldPark TTC subway entrance, PresoTea and new noodle place empty; but that large space could host city sitting bench, bike lock ring posts, garbage bin, newspaper box system, direction-map, community message board or other street furniture. Right now, I would guess bike lock ring posts, newspaper bin system and garbage bin since those are items city generally like placing near TTC subway entrances.

My understanding is EmeraldPark developer was also to install 6 bike parking spaces on EmeraldPark street-level property for commercial and retail tenants,.... as per CityPlanning Final Report for EmeraldPark; this hasn't been done yet,.... yes, shocking, eh? Anyways, that little nook between Presotea and the EmeraldPark TTC subway entrance would be a good candidate,.... that's also a good spot to for EmeraldPark to put in some permanent outdoor chairs and tables right beside the Presotea and new Noodle place,....but developer so cheap, we know that's not going to happen.

Anyways,.... the new EmeraldPark Retail and Commercial tenant board should contact NorthYork CityPlanning urban streetscape staff (probably Michael) to help determine the streetscape around EmeraldPark, especially the Yonge frontage,.... otherwise, they'll just put in whatever street furniture they want,... likely bike lock ring posts, newspaper bin system and garbage bin. But will these actually benefit the Presotea and Noodle place???


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Hmmmm,... wondering why Bazis is so cheap,.... I've been wondering how much profit Bazis made on EmeraldPark? Here's some guesstimates,....

"The total commercial value of Hullmark Centre is $493.7 million",... that November 2010 post from TridelWebMaster links to Hullmark Centre Economic Impact Report which is no longer downloadable but I have a copy on file

Based on Tidel HullmarkCentre (35-storey south residential-condo tower + 33 storey north residential-condo tower on top of 12 storey office-condo tower linked by 5-storey podium with ground level retail, 2nd floor residential-condo amenity floor and 3 floors of office-condo) having a total commercial value of just under $500million, I would guess Bazis EmeraldPark (40-storey east residential-condo tower and 32-storey west residential-condo tower linked by 3.5 storey podium with 2 floors of retail and 3rd floor office-condo and 4th floor for residential-condo units & amenities) had a total commercial value of under $400million since in most major categories, Tridel HullmarkCentre as a project is about 25% larger than Bazis' EmeraldPark.

Bazis' EmeraldPark Application Data:

Total Ground Floor Area (sq. m): 4770
Total Residential GFA (sq. m): 47,398
Total Non-Residential GFA (sq. m): 10,692
Total GFA (sq. m): 59,985
Floor Space Index: 8.6 *** On site data based on after density & height transfer from LansingUnitedChurch, otherwise FSI is about 5.65 including LansingUnitedChurch land.

Parking Spaces: 802
Loading Docks 4

Tenure Type: Condo
Rooms: 0
Bachelor: 0
1 Bedroom: 243
2 Bedroom: 322
Total Units: 565

FLOOR AREA BREAKDOWN (upon project completion)
Residential GFA (sq. m): 47,398
Commercial GFA (sq. m): 10,692
Other GFA (sq. m): 1,894

Tridel HullmarkCentre Application Data:

Total Ground Floor Area (sq. m): 9,503.85
Total Residential GFA (sq. m): 61,140.01
Total Non-Residential GFA (sq. m): 29,450.75
Total GFA (sq. m): 90,590.76
Lot Coverage Ratio (%): 75.4
Floor Space Index: 5.985

Parking Spaces: 1,062
Loading Docks 6

Tenure Type: Condo Above Grade Below Grade
Rooms: 0
Bachelor: 0
1 Bedroom: 307
2 Bedroom: 376
3 + Bedroom: 0
Total Units: 683

FLOOR AREA BREAKDOWN (upon project completion)
Residential GFA (sq. m): 58,982.44 2,157.57
Retail GFA (sq. m): 5,820.19 407.91
Office GFA (sq. m): 22,538.23 684.42
Industrial GFA (sq. m): 0 0
Other/TTC GFA (sq. m): 0 760.58

I've always compared Bazis's EmeraldPark to Tridel HullmarkCentre since they're both right across Yonge Street from reach other, both went to market around the same time in 2008, both got CityPlanning approvals around the same time of Spring 2010, and both started construction about same time of early 2011 (HullmarkCentre started there demolition in Fall 2010). Even though Tridel Hullmark Centre was about 25% larger project than Bazis's EmeraldPark, Tridel HullmarkCentre was completed earlier and on schedule (Fall 2013 for Tridel HullmarkCentre SouthTower and podium and Fall 2014 for TridelCentre NorthTower which was delayed 1 year to correct TTC pedestrian tunnel design). Bazis' EmeraldPark WestTower completed in March 2015, EastTower and retail about Fall 2015,... but retail still had major issues like plumbing to be done until Spring 2016, Office-Condo early 2016.

This post from Fall 2008 (when Bazis' EmeraldPark and Tridel HullmarkCentre were in their marketing selling phase) states that basic construction cost (not including land and marketing cost) for residential condo units are about "Roughly $170-$190/sq.ft for a mid end construction (less if the building has more floors since there are economies of scale to be had) and anywhere from $250-$350 for a high-end yorkville type condo."
As you may recall, Bazis' EmeraldPark and Tridel HullmarkCentre residential condo units were selling at around $450+/sq.ft at the time - basically downtown prices in NorthYorkCentre and marketed as luxury condo units even though both lacks the 10 feet standard luxury ceiling height.

At the time of construction, the profit margin was probably close to 40%, generally developer want at least 30% profit margin and if they can't get 25%, they'll forget about it and just move on to the next project. Residential-condo most profitable, retail and office-condo less so,... the city basically has to beg to get office built!!!

Note: Throughout the world profit margin on residential condo is about 20%, here in Toronto profit margins are signifantly higher and that's why we see condo-developers from all over the world come to Toronto to build residential condo towers!

IF Bazis' EmeraldPark project had a total commercial value of $400 million with 40% profit margin, then Bazis cost was about $286million and profit about $114million.
IF Bazis' EmeraldPark project had a total commercial value of $400 million with 30% profit margin, then Bazis cost was about $308million and profit about $92million.

But out of this approximately $92-114million profit on EmeraldPark,... how much profit did Bazis really make???

Now, keep in mind, Bazis' got hit hard with 2008 Financial Market Crash where they lost about $20million when Bazis was forced to sell their land for their 1 Bloor East project due to their banker LehmanBrother going under. And financing large projects became more difficult, none of the financial institutions would lend the required funds to Bazis for EmeraldPark,.... Bazis EmeraldPark project stalled,... the original promise date of 2011 when sold in 2008 was never going to happen anyways since they didn't even get CityPlanning approvals until Spring 2010,... and due to financing issues, Bazis (a relatively new developer) had to take on 2 more established Canadian partners, Metropia and PlazaCorp, who were basically just silent partners since Bazis already designed, marketed, sold and got city development approval for EmeraldPark,.... Metropia and PlazaCorp were just there to reduce risk for the bankers,.... but they also took their share of the profit leaving less profit for Bazis! The question is,... of this approximately $100million profit, what was the split between Bazis, Metropia and PlazaCorp?,... keep in mind, while Bazis really did all the work, Bazis was in a corner and in survival mode (many though Bazis was gone after only completing a crappy Crystal-Blue and failed financing on 1 Bloor East,...), thus Metropia and PlazaCorp really had a strong advantage negotiating their terms over Bazis.

As a result, we've seen Bazis cut corners and cost left and right on EmeraldPark,..... even now, Bazis isn't sending any of their contract trade workers over to complete EmeraldPark TTC Subway Entrance unless that trade worker is deemed surplus with nothing else to do at their other projects,....

Even now, whereas most major projects are done by just one developer,.... all of Bazis' project are still done with 1 or 2 other more established developers,....
- Bazis' Exhibit condo with partner Metropia & Plaza,... minimalistic white blocks stacked irregularly on top of each other across from the ROM,... almost complete
- Then Bazis' E-Condo with partner RioCan & Metropia at northeast corner of Yonge & Eglinton,... reached ground level a few months ago now about 4 storey of cement,.... one regular black condo tower and a northern skinny condo tower almost like an EmeraldPark tower without the leaning top
- And Bazis' 1 Yorkville with partner PlazaCorp is in foundation shoring stage
