Because you can't afford to. Rent in the Hullmark Centre is at least $300 more for a one-bedroom and $500 more for a two-bedroom. Meanwhile rent at Emerald Park is the same as in the older condos farther north on Yonge Street.

I am literally looking at Kijiji right this minute and I see the same $2500 / month asking price for a 2 br 2 bathroom condo. The first three at EP are $2500, $2600, $2600. The first three at Hullmark are $2500, $2300, $2500.

I guess "blocked" is the new word for "walking around a car". Obviously it's not ideal and the design of the entrance is bad for this, but that's not a reason to move out of a building. That's as trivial a complaint as you can have about any moderately-priced condo (in other words, not the Hullmark Centre) built in the last 5-10 years.

What? Please tell me how I'm supposed to "walk around a car" when I'm driving out of the garage. Just trying to navigate out of this nightmare of a garage is bad enough.

In light of the thread cleanup, I'll hold my tongue on the Bazis hate and keep this thread for actual updates on this building... expecting the thread to die for weeks... lol
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Further to our discussion yesterday,.... here's some more photos and links otherwise known as proof,.... ie: stuff that "alternative facts folks" tend not to post. ;p

Interestingly Bazis first condo ChrystalBlu features 10 feet ceiling height for every residential-condo unit

From the original Bazis EmeraldPark sales-marketing booklet from Summer 2008 (apparently, I'm a collector of crap!),... EmeraldPark residential-condo unit ceiling height is listed as 9 feet.

View attachment 98920

In the middle here it states 9 feet ceiling height:
View attachment 98923

View attachment 98924

View attachment 98926
Notice: Disclosure above,.... "All dimension, including ceiling height and area, if any, are approximate and may change."

Bazis October 9, 2013 CommitteeOfAdjustment hearing (File: A615/13NY) allowed them to squeeze in 2 more floors to WestTower within the 102m residential height already allowed. Given the 5 feet extra Bazis had to play with due to someone at Bazis not being able to do simple grade-2 math!,... I calculated an average of 8" to be shaved off each ceiling height of WestTower from 8th floor up (already cement forming 8th floor when CommitteeOfAdjustment decision granted). That means average ceiling height of WestTower residential-condo from 8th floor up is about 8'4",.... and it seems some WestTower floors got ceiling height chopped more and some less.

A GlobeAndMail article from Spring 2014, stated the reduced standards of 9' ceiling height for standard and 10' ceiling height for luxury units,.... which is interesting especially since Bazis EmeraldPark and Tridel HullmarkCentre both marketted their residential-condo units as "luxury" condo units and were both charging downtown prices (around $450/ft2) for their condos.

I am curious ... all this talk about the ceilings in suites not being 9ft, have you actually measured them? Or is just another 'assumption' that you will apologize for later?
Does anyone have any details on the reason behind the subway connection closing after it allegedly passed the inspection and got all the permits ? Sorry if I missed anything in the flurry of recent comments.
Does anyone have any details on the reason behind the subway connection closing after it allegedly passed the inspection and got all the permits ? Sorry if I missed anything in the flurry of recent comments.

Yesterday I called the number listed by the TTC on the sign in a fit of pique but it rings once then disconnects. Not sure if anyone else will have better luck.

And that's it for me. I consider my personal issue resolved. I'm out of this thread now. All the best folks.
Does anyone have any details on the reason behind the subway connection closing after it allegedly passed the inspection and got all the permits?

Someone said that it was a "legal dispute" between the TTC and Bazis. Probably means that there's some disagreement over how much Bazis is expected to pay the TTC.
Someone said that it was a "legal dispute" between the TTC and Bazis. Probably means that there's some disagreement over how much Bazis is expected to pay the TTC.

I hope it is more than that given that the entrance remains blocked off by the TTC. Normally, a full closure would be the result of discovering that something does not meet some safety criteria. In any case, it would be nice to find out how soon this might get resolved, as opposed to keeping the public in the dark.
The sushi&teriyaki food court unit has taken down their sign. A new sign has gone up showing that it will be serving Indian food.
I guess they didn't use up all of their rice?
I'm not sure what you mean. The Yuki Hana is still open but the Sushi & Teriyaki unit in front of Yuki Hana has been renovating for a while now. Just today they have taken down their sign and have put a nice big red one for Indian cuisine.
The sushi&teriyaki food court unit has taken down their sign. A new sign has gone up showing that it will be serving Indian food.

Awesome! Keep us informed on its opening (or if they install a tandoor/tandoori oven).

Anyone try the Poke? I've been to Allwyn's several times already!
Poke is like Chirashi don you get at sushi restaurants except the fish has some sauce covering it. There are also vegetarian options. I've gone once its pretty good.
Whale just opened. If you live here, go NOW for free drinks!

It's quite tasty. Better than Presotea... they use fresh fruit and it's not so insanely sweet.
The sign wars continue...


Strange punctuation... ✓
Bad grammar... ✓
Incorrect capitalization... ✓

This reeks to me of some sort of contractual dispute. EP and the TTC must be disagreeing over how much EP has to pay to the TTC or how much maintenance EP has to provide for the tunnel.
That's a silly sign perhaps written by a resident who emailed the Bazis info site, "info at EP" and was given more b.s. by Michael Gold or Gold put it up himself. He continues to play "innocent" claiming Bazis has nothing to do with the tunnel closure, saying Bazis has fulfilled all their obligations and it's the TTC's fault. He's been pointing fingers for a long time at the TTC, city building inspectors, Toronto Fire Service, contractors, suppliers and politicians. The truth is the faults lie with Gold and Bazis. Bazis signed detailed legal agreements with the TTC stipulating specific "connection" fees and the payment due date plus other obligations. Surprise! Bazis has not made any payment yet and have not met all legal obligations. Bazis and Michael Gold were fully informed in writing of their remaining obligations.
The tunnel was closed because of Bazis' failings. Gold and Bazis can keep playing "innocent" and pulling the wool over the public's eyes but those that have dealt with this company know the real story. I hope to have more information for you soon.
Bazis signed detailed legal agreements with the TTC stipulating specific "connection" fees and the payment due date plus other obligations. Surprise! Bazis has not made any payment yet and have not met all legal obligations. Bazis and Michael Gold were fully informed in writing of their remaining obligations.

Do you actually have a source for this? I feel like this is the case but this is just my wild speculation based on the fact that the tunnel is finished and it took the TTC a long time to board it up (i.e. probably not a safety issue). I also think it's more likely to be a disagreement over the exact amount that Bazis has to pay the TTC, not an outright "not made any payment".
