"Agents Start Camping on Sidewalk for Chance to Buy at Emerald Park"

Has anyone actually seen this at Emerald? I heard that there are some agents are just waiting but I can't really see many people doing this...maybe at most 10 agents or so waiting around there. I guess it's good publicity for this project. I'm thinking that Bazis will be creating several more projects within Toronto. I heard they are working towards a place at Yonge and Eglinton and another at Avenue and Bloor. Has anyone else heard about these other projects?

My friend lives near there and he told me that there is about 25 agents outside as of yesterday waiting in line. Not sure about the camping out overnight hype but there are lawn chairs etc setup there though.
Therion, I think you don't understand the real size of 1 Bloor and how complicated it is.Beside that developer has to deal with the city to get all of necessary road closures at one of the busiest intersections, they have to co-ordinate their schedule with BIA on Bloor redevelopment project. But I think most complicated process is with TTC as they usually take up 8 month to review any request for direct access. Don't forget they just started selling process in November, and knowing how the development works, till you get at least 65% sold no one will start working drawings and on the project this size it might take up to 6-7 month. And only then you can submit to TTC and the city for their comments.
OPA + ZBA application submitted July 7, 2008

I would be considering any 'timelines' that Bezis puts forward for construction of Emerald Park with very little certainly.

As I understand, no development approval applications have been submitted to the City for this proposal, notwithstanding at minimum rezoning and site plan approval will be required. I believe an Official Plan Amendment will also be required given the proposal wil exceed height limit of 100 metres (and possibly exceed density limit of 4.5 FSI), and the current land use designation on the eastern portion of the site permits 0% residential as per the North York Centre Secondary Plan.

I did a bit of investigation on this site, firstly application has been submitted. As understand Bazis been in contact with the city for the last several month. There is old approvals on this site which they are going to amend.
I know we tend to speculate in this form, but think about, would smart people like Bazis risk millions of dollars on land and setting up sale office and doing marketing if they were not sure of where they stand with the city?
I think not. And I think its great that some one is finally doing a luxury building in North York on the site that is visible from all directions, it will change the sky line of North York for the better.

My apologies, my post above was based on discussions with City planning staff 2 weeks ago, at the time no applications have been submitted.

Following the lead above, I followed-up with City staff and was advised a formal rezoning and Official Plan amendment application was submitted on July 7, 2008 (only 2 days ago), I'm suprised that Michael's info is that updated (do you work for the developer? :D) ... amendment applications are required for height, land use, and density ... previous approvals for 22 and 25 storey building only applied to the western portion of the block (excluding lands abutting Yonge where 0% residential was permitted), whereas Bazis current proposal encompasses the entire block between Yonge and Beecroft.

IMO given the complexity of the application and seeing that it is JUST starting the 'formal' City approval process (doesn't matter what due diligence contacts/discussions Bazis previously had with the City), I'll be suprised to see this project built before 2013 at the earliest. I wonder what the builder is telling people for completion dates?

Based on submitted drawings, proposed buildings specifications are: 49 and 40 storey towers sharing a 3 storey podium, with heights of 167.3 and 137.8 metres respectively.

I agree too if and when this building is approved by the City and actually built as shown, it would be a good looking structure in the North York skyline.
If they are just beginnig the formal application process, it will begin construction well after Hullmark across the street. Tridel usually doesn't release any units until the get their approvals.
well, white gts has reported in the Real Estate section that there were about 125 agents lined up today prior to the Agent Sale event....the market, it seems, still has some legs....should be interesting to find out how sales went, and whether Bazis got 'creative' with the prices....
well, white gts has reported in the Real Estate section that there were about 125 agents lined up today prior to the Agent Sale event....the market, it seems, still has some legs....should be interesting to find out how sales went, and whether Bazis got 'creative' with the prices....

It would be very interesting to see what they do. If there really was 125 agents waiting out there then I'm sure they would hike up the price at least 20-40K with that type of demand. Why wouldn't they try to make as much as possible out of this situation. I hope someone finds out if there was any incease in the the next couple of days.
hmm...digitalis has posted the latest Emerald Park pricing in the real estate section, and there seems to have been changes...

according to the brochure, the two towers are now 41 and 32 storeys on a 4 storey podium....so they have shrunk....
That's disappointing. I don't think they will make quite the impact being that short.
hmm...digitalis has posted the latest Emerald Park pricing in the real estate section, and there seems to have been changes...

according to the brochure, the two towers are now 41 and 32 storeys on a 4 storey podium....so they have shrunk....

This will be on top of a 4 storey podium (so basically 45 and 36) and which considering the location should make these buildings really stand out. It will be quite a site with the Tridel development across the street.
I still wonder if they have a trick up their sleeves to build the 3rd tower as the original renders suggest...
yeah seems like Bazis has been marketing 41 + 32 storeys since the agent sale began, but the drawings they have submitted to the City in fact show 2 towers as 49 + 40 storeys ... my guess is they expect to get SLASHED by the City in terms of height requested and in the back of their mind they are really looking for only 41 + 32, not 49 + 40, this way it would leave them some negotiating room with the City ....

From the looks of Bazis' site plan shown in the sales office ... Emerald Park condos as shown now fills up the entire block so there is no room for an additional 3rd tower, unless they completely re-jig the site again~
yeah seems like Bazis has been marketing 41 + 32 storeys since the agent sale began, but the drawings they have submitted to the City in fact show 2 towers as 49 + 40 storeys ... my guess is they expect to get SLASHED by the City in terms of height requested and in the back of their mind they are really looking for only 41 + 32, not 49 + 40, this way it would leave them some negotiating room with the City ....

From the looks of Bazis' site plan shown in the sales office ... Emerald Park condos as shown now fills up the entire block so there is no room for an additional 3rd tower, unless they completely re-jig the site again~

These buildings will be icons in that area it does not make any sense to be slashing 5-10 floors.
The other possibility is that they intend to try to sell the first 41/32 storeys, and announce the additional 8 storeys on the two buildings if sales are good enough. If sales are slow, they simply go ahead with the shorter version.
The other possibility is that they intend to try to sell the first 41/32 storeys, and announce the additional 8 storeys on the two buildings if sales are good enough. If sales are slow, they simply go ahead with the shorter version.

Ya that's what I'm thinking!
