We have already identified the flare at the top of the shorter tower.

We have already identified the flare at the top of the shorter tower.


I guess I wasn't looking that closes as it does show up here

I think they could have used a better green color than a Rubic's Cube green....not even close to the rendering, thank goodness I didn't drop a few bucks on this one.
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Horrendous execution.

Really? When you look at this building, it's horrifying to you? Do you run away screaming, or are you frozen to the spot with your expression frozen like in The Scream?

Personally, I think it's executed rather well, so far. It adds a dash of complimentary colour to it's blue neighbour, and I think in the spring with the snow melted and the green returning to the city, it'll beautify the area a little bit.

I'd be interested to know whether you've seen it in person or just online. Because pictures don't do it justice.

I'm not saying it's the best thing I've ever seen, but definitely a good effort so far.
Really? When you look at this building, it's horrifying to you? Do you run away screaming, or are you frozen to the spot with your expression frozen like in The Scream?

Personally, I think it's executed rather well, so far. It adds a dash of complimentary colour to it's blue neighbour, and I think in the spring with the snow melted and the green returning to the city, it'll beautify the area a little bit.

I'd be interested to know whether you've seen it in person or just online. Because pictures don't do it justice.

I'm not saying it's the best thing I've ever seen, but definitely a good effort so far.

100% agree with you. The drama queens always need to rant how a not completed building is horrendous, nasty, boring, unpleasant if it doesn't meet their expectations. Kinda annoying. Let's wait the completion before make such a harsh comment.
100% agree with you. The drama queens always need to rant how a not completed building is horrendous, nasty, boring, unpleasant if it doesn't meet their expectations. Kinda annoying. Let's wait the completion before make such a harsh comment.

Drama queen? Backseat driver? Naw. I'm in the architecture field. I have opinions based on my own work. Regardless of being young and relatively inexperienced, there are things I see on this project that even I would not do.

You don't need to see a finished condominium (which is essentially an extrusion) to make a judgment on how it looks. The cladding they've used and the spandrel all over this thing are brutal.

Most condominium towers in this city are extrusions. What you see on one floor is what you get. You can add 30 more storeys, but bad cladding is bad cladding. The slight flare outward towards the top of these towers will not improve the cladding they've used.
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thank god this thing is up there, and not downtown. it's shaping up to be one of the ugliest things built in recent memory. another window wall of a million mullions, this time in a horrible teal green colour that looks like something from a Canadian Tire catalogue circa 1987. and that hokey curve is only going to make it worse.
I will wait until its finished before I pass final judgment. But from what I can see so far, it does not impress me. Maybe at night, when it is all lit up, it will redeem itself.

But when I look across the street at Hullmark, my netherbits tingle.
I think Hullmark is probably the best architecture in North York Centre. Emerald Park doesn't have close to the same level of quality, but it's still probably one of the better designs in the area - which isn't saying much.
I think Hullmark is probably the best architecture in North York Centre. Emerald Park doesn't have close to the same level of quality, but it's still probably one of the better designs in the area - which isn't saying much.

I agree, but you've got to start somewhere. The last thing we need is to have a dynamite core surrounded by low brow architecture in NYCC, MCC, STC, Humber Bay, etc. In many respects, these periphery clusters need great architecture more than downtown does. Hullmark is a great start for NYCC, Emerald Park isn't the same calibre, but it will help bring the area up a few notches regardless.
The only thing that saves this from being a bumbling disaster in my eyes is the fact that the spandrel isn't grey, blue or light green.

I think Hullmark is probably the best architecture in North York Centre. Emerald Park doesn't have close to the same level of quality, but it's still probably one of the better designs in the area - which isn't saying much.

Neither Hullmark nor Emerald Park are above the average for the area; they're just newer and bigger than most of the other towers. Generally, the towers in the area have good quality architecture. There are few, if any, slab towers. I quite like the Nestle Canada Building--the crystal-like pointed tower in mirrored glass next door. The Trimark Tower is great with its ornamental granite tower feature fronting onto Mel Lastman Square. But in terms of landmarks, there are no truly sophisticated and outstanding towers in this densely built up area. It could use an icon, since it's one of the most unique neighbourhoods in the city and it's all high rise.
There are indeed a few decent office buildings, but the residential stuff is generally pretty awful.
