It's looking good, thanks for the picture update. They are awfully close, but I have no sympathy for people who can afford to live in either building, they can definitely fit blinds into their budgets.
I wonder why they didn't go with one of the circular patterns for the balcony glass.

It's the sort of detail that isn't noticeable from a distance and likely it was justified on a cost basis to just go with the completely translucent panels. Those sorts of savings are tempting when it covers the entire building-- those costs really add up.
It's the sort of detail that isn't noticeable from a distance and likely it was justified on a cost basis to just go with the completely translucent panels. Those sorts of savings are tempting when it covers the entire building-- those costs really add up.

Hmmm,... aren't these the same developers that delivered EmeraldPark,..... compare what was promised in the renderings for EmeraldPark VS what they actually delivered,..... some might call it cost savings,.... some call it cutting corners,... some call it not keeping their words,.....
Hmmm,... aren't these the same developers that delivered EmeraldPark,..... compare what was promised in the renderings for EmeraldPark VS what they actually delivered

Renderings aren't a promise. They are artist's interpretations and simply marketing material.

some might call it cost savings,.... some call it cutting corners,... some call it not keeping their words,.....

some are wrong
Well,.... if CrystalBlu and EmeraldPark are any indication of this developer's work,..... then you shouldn't expect quality material in build,.... keep your expectations extremely low,... to match what developer will deliver,... and then lower it some more,....

Trust me,.... for years, I've watched these same developers cut corners after corners at EmeraldPark,.... and when they ran out of corners to cut, they cut condo ceiling height,... literally,.. by about 8" each floor so they could squeeze in a couple more floors to sell!

All I'm saying is don't expect too much from this developers,..... sure the end product will have a shape that resembles the rendering and not look like a basic box condo tower,.... but everything inside and out will be very basic and low quality.
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In fairness, the renderings don't show a glass frit with circles in it, so they never advertised that, nor did they depict it in a rendering.

Also, note that my post is not condoning value-engineering so much as stating it as a fact of the AEC/development industry.
Renderings aren't a promise. They are artist's interpretations and simply marketing material.

some are wrong
Perhaps you're right, though I'm not sure we should so blithely accept that marketing materials can be just that--a depiction of a building without the responsibility of a commitment that the building will turn out that way. In fact, I'd argue we're entitled to blithely expect precisely the opposite: that the release of marketing materials just is the assumption of responsibility to the details of a project.

Otherwise I think we're stuck in the spin zone.
Only on Urban Toronto could people be complaining that buildings don't end up looking like on their renderings in a thread for a building that's turning out, so far, to look exactly like its rendering. Congratulations to all involved.

For EmeraldPark which is the first flagship development from this developer,... their only other completed development is CrystalBlu, their OneBloorEast project tanked,... they talk a good game but consistantly failed to deliver as promised.

Here's what this developer was marketing for EmeraldPark in 2008

Here's the renderings for EmeraldPark

What was delivered at EmeraldPark:
- 1 shade of dollarama green panel VS Renderings' 5-6 different shades of green glass & panels for curtain wall
- thin marble countertop VS rendering
- short kitchen cabinet VS Renderings' floor to ceiling kitchen cabinet
- Lobby is a lot different than renderings; instead of Renderings' rich dark wood panel they delivered glossy white painted drywall!
- about 8" less ceiling height for most West Tower floors so they could squeeze in a couple more floors of condos to sell

Just wondering, how many people here would actually buy a pre-construction condo from this developer????

This developer design strikingly shaped towers,... but they also cut corners like there's no tomorrow,... if their ChrystalBlu and EmeraldPark project is any indication, quality-wise Exhibit might as well be the first government housing in Yorkville
SRT you have hatred of Bazis that I can't really understand. This building, like Emerald Park, isn't at all bad.
SRT you have hatred of Bazis that I can't really understand. This building, like Emerald Park, isn't at all bad.

I don't hate Bazis. I just post honestly and in details,.... and some people on urbantoronto has problem dealing with non-cheerleading posts. I post mainly about condos in North York Centre and I've been posting for years. Read through my posts on those forums and then make judgement about my posts. My posts are honest, informative, up to date and rarely ever wrong.
For EmeraldPark which is the first flagship development from this developer,... their only other completed development is CrystalBlu, their OneBloorEast project tanked,... they talk a good game but consistantly failed to deliver as promised.

Here's what this developer was marketing for EmeraldPark in 2008
LOL wut... that video is kinda' funny.

I also thought that the glass decal would have been cool.
