Senior Member
Welcome to Vaughan "Metropolitan" Centre (LOL)
I think Vaughan Metro Centre could be a huge success, as long as nobody is expecting it to be urban in any real way.
So if we all lower our expectations and simply call this "vertical sprawl", then it will be successful. Yay.
Not at all. There is sometimes an assumption that urbanism is a universal good and anything else is bad. This area isn't midtown and never will be. But that's not its role. You can intensify without urbanizing and it serves a purpose. Wee see it in MCC and Markham.
Whoops, I see another false equivalence debate unfolding: MCC is just as fine as the St Lawrence neighbourhood; suburban Atlanta is no less lovely than Prague. Discuss.
Personally, I'm not buying it. Suburban sprawl brought to you by GM, Ford and Esso is the worst thing to ever happen to this continent. (Not counting the systemic annihilation of the natives which is a whole other topic). Dense, suburban dreck isn't much better. People are not going to walk around much in a sterile, soulless environment. A few people will take the subway to go to work, but everything else will be car, car, car.
If you don't know what the term 'false equivalence' means, then don't use it. And your self-righteous indignation over the natives is off topic.
Perhaps you should read my comment before disagreeing with it. I'm saying that there is nothing wrong with the suburban lifestyle. Some people like living in the suburbs and driving places. They enjoy the 'dreck.' Not everyone wants an urban lifestyle. There's nothing wrong with suburbs.
Empirically untrue.
Waterloo_Guy, you do realize that your rants are as tiring and unproductive as the posts you are contending with, right?