Nope. The opposition to suburbs is ideological. It's based on the priorities and values of some people. Some people like the suburbs. They are tolerant of congestion, commute times, harmful carbon emissions, climate change, and whatever else.

Cars ans roads exist for a reason. Some people like them.

So these are all good things? And what of the adverse health effects that are the direct result of them? And hell, even if 'they' are 'tolerant' of them, why should 'they' be able to alter the quality of my life because of the choices 'they' make?
So these are all good things? And what of the adverse health effects that are the direct result of them? And hell, even if 'they' are 'tolerant' of them, why should 'they' be able to alter the quality of my life because of the choices 'they' make?

I don't like the adverse health effects that their lifestyles impose on me either, and I can't stand the burbs. What I'm saying is that some people do like them, and they are willing to fill the air with carbon because they don't share my values. That doesn't make them ignorant, even if it might make them jerks.
I'm not ranting when I correct someone, and I didn't ask for your opinion.

You might want to check your feelings at the door WG.. Your "correct" opinions seem to be overly emotional and all over the place.

In any case, with growth comes urban sprawl, which makes the point moot. The GTA is not an island--Even Manhattan is surrounded by seemingly endless suburbs. The 'burbs and the core are intricately linked, one does not survive without the other.
I'm not ranting when I correct someone, and I didn't ask for your opinion.

Everyone gets an opinion here. You put yours out, and it's open to criticism.







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Great pics SMT. Absolutely love those fins and the stark contracts to the black mullions and dark motifs. For all the criticisms of the rest of he building i think they got the contrast dead right on this.

I'll have to pass by one day and see it in person.

If you ask me, i think the tower portion has kinda a chic moderne warehousey vibe to it.
I was expecting typical condo crap but these are actually surprisingly elegent. The black detailing really contrasts well with the white "fins" which give the building a very curvaceous silhoutte from a distance. The podium with the retail is not bad but I am not sure how well retail will do on this stretch of highway 7 in the near future. Perhaps in the long run, with more development along the corridor, the retail will fit in well. Its a good start.
I wish more condo developments would opt for black mullions instead of white or grey ones.
