Architect: Giannone Petricone Associates, Giovanni A. Tassone Architects
Address: 431 Richmond St. W. , Toronto, Canada
Category: Residential (Condo)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2015
Height: 187 ft / 56.99 mStoreys: 17 storeys
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Drab building. Probably not the best idea for the south side of a street. There's much worst to rant about going up in Toronto. do I, I must admit. It's at minimum a good facade. (pun intended and unintended)
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There is supposed to be a couple heavy pink bands that jogs across the front of the building and wrapping around the side. I hope that doesn't get axed.
The two tones of pink vertical mullions is a nice touch so far.

I saw this in person recently and the east façade facing Spadina is really dreary, and the punched openings looks painfully banal -- the black spandrel panels between the glass blends in too much with the precast making this detail rather useless. It ends up looking like a static grid of strip windows, like a 70's office building. A lighter spandel panel to match the windows would make a world of difference.
It's so unfortunate that this side of the building is so prominent from Richmond Street and there is such a lack of attention or consideration.
Some more pink. Which I like. But the lower facade facing the intersection is honestly really bad. I'm hoping it isn't done, you can see insulation/ spray foam stuff. I'll try to get a better picture tomorrow But the upper levels I'm liking



Can we just establish that a mullion cap of a different colour is not an architectural design concept. Unless its part of a larger scheme or highlights an actual component like a fin or shading device it really doesn't work. Here and with the tower portion of Bisha it's as if they are trying to pass off a facade composed entirely of clunky window-wall as something more by switching the color of certain mullion caps. It's not minimal design, it's cheap appliqué passed off as design.
Can we just establish that a mullion cap of a different colour is not an architectural design concept. Unless its part of a larger scheme or highlights an actual component like a fin or shading device it really doesn't work. Here and with the tower portion of Bisha it's as if they are trying to pass off a facade composed entirely of clunky window-wall as something more by switching the color of certain mullion caps. It's not minimal design, it's cheap appliqué passed off as design.

THANK you. Yes. It's the ultimate in design laziness. I can hear the conversations:

Bill: "Okay, how do we make this rectangle more interesting at little to no extra cost?"

Susan: "What did they do down at Cityplace; those buildings are dreadfully cheaply constructed."

Bill: "Neon! They do bits of neon!"

Susan: "Eureka, we'll do pink. Take this back to the developers. This is so exciting; maybe Pinnacle or Concord will hire us next!"

It says a lot about the design of this building that my favourite part is the black siding.
I find this pink accent does its job in making the spandrel heavy window wall look better. That's all that matters to me. The base building fronting Adelaide is satisfactory as well. It's aesthetics is purely functional residential but, I'm okay with it. The rest of the sides look worse. Thankfully, it's a mid block tower.
