Architect: Giannone Petricone Associates, Giovanni A. Tassone Architects
Address: 431 Richmond St. W. , Toronto, Canada
Category: Residential (Condo)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2015
Height: 187 ft / 56.99 mStoreys: 17 storeys
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I really enjoy aspects of this, but the shoddy workmanship on those east and west walls is terrible. I hope they fix it. The spray foam or whatever it is is very visible from a pedestrian point of view
IMO, if you're going to go with black/dark grey cladding over the entire building you have to go with better material and better design (ie: River city). I would have taken a boring glass box over this. In person, it really doesn't look good.
and they will eventually be completely blocked from view

West, for sure. East, I'm less certain about. With the windows on the north side of the existing Fashion Building and the tight, triangular dimensions of the site, I'm not sure how someone would make that work. I'd love to see it though!
West, for sure. East, I'm less certain about. With the windows on the north side of the existing Fashion Building and the tight, triangular dimensions of the site, I'm not sure how someone would make that work. I'd love to see it though!
Yeah, I was wondering the same thing about the east site. I'm not sure what could really go there.
West, for sure. East, I'm less certain about. With the windows on the north side of the existing Fashion Building and the tight, triangular dimensions of the site, I'm not sure how someone would make that work. I'd love to see it though!

The wedge site definitely has some limitations given Toronto's market. I can only see an expansion of the Fashion Building onto this site. Both sites are owned by the same developer.
