Architect: Giannone Petricone Associates, Giovanni A. Tassone Architects
Address: 431 Richmond St. W. , Toronto, Canada
Category: Residential (Condo)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2015
Height: 187 ft / 56.99 mStoreys: 17 storeys
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^ I completely agree - this is perfect density for Richmond. We could use a lot more.
I see a lot of buildings west of Spadina that in maybe 5 years to come will look too short at 8-10 stories. By then there will be more intense pressure to take down buildings like Nomad and Textile King as the good sites have been squandered with short buildings. As to Adam V. how can he support hieght and retain constituents and votes?
I see a lot of buildings west of Spadina that in maybe 5 years to come will look too short at 8-10 stories. By then there will be more intense pressure to take down buildings like Nomad and Textile King as the good sites have been squandered with short buildings. As to Adam V. how can he support hieght and retain constituents and votes?

Here is another one that is asking for a variance of height for the hood

431,441,445 RICHMOND ST W
File Number: A0541/11TEY Zoning RA(WAIVER) Owner: MENKES RESIDENCES LTD Ward: Trinity-Spadina (20) Agent: ADAM BROWN
Property Address: 431,441,445 RICHMOND ST W Community: Toronto Legal Description: PLAN D46 LOT 1 PT LOT 2 WITH & SUBJ TO ROW
To construct a 16-storey mixed-use building containing 190 dwelling units, retail uses on the ground floor, and four levels of below grade parking.
1. Section 12 246, By-law 438-86
The portion of the building exceeding a height of 20.0 m shall be setback a minimum of 3.0 m from the
main wall.
The portion of the new mixed-use building exceeding a height of 20.0 m will be setback 0.0 m from the
main wall.
2. Section 7 Part II & 3, By-law 438-86
The minimum required side and rear yard setback is 7.5 m for a building located beyond 25.0 m of a street
or public park.
The new mixed-use building will have a side yard setback of 0.0 m on the west side, and a setback of 0.5 m
on the south side.
3. Section 12 246, By-law 438-86
A minimum of 108 residential parking spaces and 11 visitor parking spaces shall be provided onsite. In this case, 72 residential parking spaces, and 9 visitor parking spaces will be provided on site.
4. Section 4 A, By-law 438-86
The maximum permitted building height is 39.0 m.
The new building will have a height of 50.90 m including the mechanical penthouse.

5. Section 7 Part II 8, By-law 438-86
The minimum required lot line setback for a dwelling unit containing a window is 7.5 m.
The dwelling units containing windows located on the south, east, and west sides of the new mixed-use
building will be setback 3.0 m from the south side lot line and 0 m from the east and west side lot lines.
Is it goodnight for Goodnight? A looming condo development at 431 Richmond

Our ears on the street tell us that come spring, it may be time to say goodbye to everyone’s favourite semi-exclusive, reservations-only, back-alley nouveau speakeasy (and TIFF hotspot), Goodnight. The lot at 431 Richmond Street West has apparently been purchased by Menkes, the property powerhouse behind the Four Seasons Private Residences, the Lumiere Condos at College and Bay and 365 Church at Church and Carlton, to name a few. The location will be home to Fabrik, whose rather postmodern ad copy includes the memorable line, “Fashion industrial design heart throbbing city pulse eat my veins of passion and lust.”

The condo is planned at 16 stories, with 209 residential units and below-ground parking (Giannone Petricone Associates of Fabbrica is set to design the building). The new development could also mean the end for easterly location of boutique men’s clothier Nomad, which occupies the front of the house at 431 Richmond, although there are indications the new design will in fact leave room for ground-floor retail space. The area is certainly at no loss for condo development (there are similar plans in preliminary stages for spaces on Brant Street and Camden Street, with others already under construction), so we’d be sad to see Goodnight go, $14 drinks and all.

This particular condo is sort of unfortunate as its the quality of retail in that neighbourhood which make it so desireable. I imagine this condo might get another coffee shop, convenience store or drycleaner if anything at its base. I am all for density, but where will all the people who live down in cityplace go to do interesting things in the city?
Cheeky name. Fabric is an infamous nightclub in London, UK. Also alludes to the history of this neighbourhood, I guess...
This particular condo is sort of unfortunate as its the quality of retail in that neighbourhood which make it so desireable. I imagine this condo might get another coffee shop, convenience store or drycleaner if anything at its base. I am all for density, but where will all the people who live down in cityplace go to do interesting things in the city?

This is what I have been saying for years...The "entertainment district" will be a place where all the neighbors look at each other from their balconies 20 feet across from each other and ask each other what there is to do besides go to the Starbucks at street level...Perhaps they will get in their cars and drive to the suburbs to hang out?
The entertainment district is on its way out.. Goodbye lively Toronto nightlife, hello Vancouver.
Other than the two red lines that jogs across the building, it's a rather mediocre and generic looking building.
A 6-story Aa glass box with the overused staggered window pattern sitting on a 10-story charcoal gray brick base, a la Victory Condos.
