Let's not jump the gun here, I'm sure the site will be 100% remediated by the time sales commence. Believe me, the developer wouldn't get a building permit if it wasn't. I'm just saying that it's something to consider.
One can be pretty sure that a gas station will be getting the attention of everyone involved.

Concerning Wilco Radio, "wilco" is an old radio term for "will comply with orders."
MOE has very stringent remediation and RSC requirements for any brownfield redevelopment. We aren't living in the 1920s anymore.
From the latest Freed newsletter on "What's New":


Individualism never goes out of style. Fresh off the Freed runway comes FashionHouse - located at 560 King West - it's the latest "it" property to hit the Central King West hood. Start with a 160-year-old heritage building, throw in a bunch of hot Toronto architects competing to modernize the space, add in an electric use of colour and creativity reflective of the fashion district and call it the height of fashionable living. Fabulous retail shops right in your building. Commercial, work lofts, beyond cool living spaces for those who create cool - not just consume it.
Fashion condos in the Fashion District on King St. infront of Fashion District Lofts

Commercial, work lofts, beyond cool living spaces for those who create cool - not just consume it.

Thank God. Someone has been listening to what Toronto needs. "Cool" is so 5 minutes ago. We need "beyond cool".

This condo description scares me. I see Westside Lofts sales center, with M5V coloured panels, L Tower shape (except shorter - more like a shoe), competing architects (?) and lots of FASHION!!!

I could be very wrong, but the Fashion District is more a reference to what it once was, not how it is perceived today - if you know what I mean, no? I guess if this is to act as a starting block to bring more fashion retail stores to King... It would be like calling something EntertainmentHouse. We get it. The heritage building is at 570 King? Anyone have any renderings?

(as per above posts) New from Freed: SoilRemediationHouse
sorry for all these posts, just letting people know about what is going on. There are some on this forum who do not like Adam Vaughan for whatever reasons, but he is at least attempting to tackle planning issues in his ward. His office and a bunch of neighbourhood and resident associations have been trying to work with developers and the community together to address needs within the ward. The lack of community involvement in the planning process beyond the obligatory public meetings is underwhelming. He might be the crusader against the clubs, but given the dire state the planning department is in the City, his attempt to improve the planning process is commendable. Just look at the various meetings that have been set up for next two weeks with presentations of developments to the community (I've posted a bunch of dates in different threads). Ward 20 has the most development applications than any other ward in the City by a landslide. Many of these projects we discuss are in the area bounded by Dupont, University/York, Lake Ontario and Bathurst.

From Adam Vaughan's office

King-Spadina & Wellington Place Planning Meeting

Date: Monday April 21, 2008
Time: 7:00 – 9:00 PM
Location: Metro Hall, 55 John Street, Room 303

There will be presentations about the following projects:

· 560 King St. W. (west of Brant)
· 650 King St. W. (at Bathurst)
· 500 Wellington St. W. (east of Portland)
· 504 Wellington St. W. (east of Portland)
Rendering in the Globe and Mail Real Estate Section this morning, beautiful building, uses Pink and Red Glass, very very exciting, looks like 3 cubes piled on top of each other, looks very freed, but as with each of his other projects is different enough that it'll be very interesting.

Any chance of someone scanning those for those who don't live in the area? Thanks in advance.
G&M Ad

Has the term "Freed Fanboy" been coined yet? I think I'm there. No one else in the city is doing anything as exciting as him IMO.

For the sake of saving trees, here is the ad. Booze, babes, hunky bartenders, girls that put out at the bar, this condo has it ALL!


Also noticed Freed has a full 2 page spread for Muskoka Bay and another full page ad for 650 King/Seventy5 Portland. Half of the real estate section this week is Freed Adverts.
Looks great. The one thing I love about Freed is that he is the only developer who seems to be building nicely scaled midrises.
Agreed. I like pretty much all of the existing developments and proposals. This neighbourhood is fortunate to have these kinds of projects instead of the crap going up in Liberty (Monarch's Zip and Vibe).
People on UT often wonder what I like: FashionHouse!!!:)

But I wonder, is the glass really red or pink? To my eye, it looks like clear glass with pink and red curtains behind the glass. If that is the case, it could just be a marketing ploy to sell what is an attractive glass and concrete building.
Also appears they are opening up Morrision Street to run through to King though it could just be a driveway.
