Forgive me Mike, but all PF has done thus far is produce glossy brochures and expensive sales centres and 3 pretty uninspiring condos. Don't you think it's reasonable to wait until one of his under development buildings actually gets completed before crowning him the king of king?
Don't you think it's reasonable to wait for him to actually go bankrupt and screw over all of the buyers and investors for projects that haven't been built yet before condemning him as a thief?

He's already built three pretty cool and successful condos that are popular with the people who live in them with others well under construction.
Forgive me Mike, but all PF has done thus far is produce glossy brochures and expensive sales centres and 3 pretty uninspiring condos. Don't you think it's reasonable to wait until one of his under development buildings actually gets completed before crowning him the king of king?

He has something like 5 projects in development/construction in that area with each design more seemingly more inspired than the next. He has obviously shown a commitment to the neighbourhood and has taken it upon himself to at least attempt to do something more than the omnipresent glass boxes that keep springing up. That is exciting.

Why do you have such a hate on for Freed anyway?
It would appear from the rendering and description on the website ( that Freed has or is in the process of securing both 560 and 570 King (the text on the website says in part "we're starting with a 160-year-old heritage building"). So it seems the 2006 proposal for the 570 King site ( has been scrapped and re-worked as a single building covering both sites.

Cabeman, news of this did spread a few months ago but this is the first time we have seen the proposed massing. I am a bit suspicious of the angle for this rendering as most of the building is not shown. It is only hinted as to the what's going on behind the silver plate building.

I am also skeptical as to the pink glazing. I don't get the practicality of it, are $500/sq.ft. suite owners being forced to look out pink windows? I bet the final construction looks nothing like this at all. PF/BJL are very good at marketing and I share the sentiment of "show me a built Freed building" that is as inspiring as this one. I do hope they can pull it off because it does have possibilities of a wonderful King St. W. addition. We certainly won't miss Co-Op taxi!
Artist's Rendering

I am a bit suspicious of the angle for this rendering as most of the building is not shown.

I agree. If Freed really owned both 570 and 560, this rendering would be angled differently and the 13 story tower planned for 570 would be visible. The second floor looks entirely to be pink windows - I guess that is office space(?); otherwise, would a condo unit facing King not have a single pane of clear glass? The shape is good (similar to 650 King); but I think the pink is overdone too. This angle also distracts from the fact that there is a 12 story office structure planned pretty much next door to the east.

The fact that Freed speaks of the heritage building as if it is apart of FashionHouse puzzles me as well.

Also appears they are opening up Morrision Street to run through to King though it could just be a driveway.

I hope not. I think the plan was "pedestrian walkway" (which I prefer) but as it has been mentioned of different threads (570 and 455 Adelaide in particular); where will the garage access be for 560 and 570 King? Maybe they will extend Morrison for cars...
I wonder (and hope) if the city will allow PF to build that dramatic overhang. I thought there were regulations against these sorts of 'dangerous' cantilevers?
I hope not. I think the plan was "pedestrian walkway" (which I prefer) but as it has been mentioned of different threads (570 and 455 Adelaide in particular); where will the garage access be for 560 and 570 King? Maybe they will extend Morrison for cars...

Presently, this has got to be one of the more confusing sites in the city.
/\ And what is with that GH3 Architects in the first place? Half of their projects are at least in conjunction with aA, yet nether firm has any mention of the other on their websites...

/\ And what is with that GH3 Architects in the first place? Half of their projects are at least in conjunction with aA, yet nether firm has any mention of the other on their websites...


Good you pointed that out.. was poking around gh3 site and did find out in the project texts that Pat Hanson was design partner at aA. guess that might explain things a little...
Nice find,
Notice the pedestrian walkway beside Zoe's. Certainly does not look like Morrison is being extended.

Morrison was supposed to be extended as a pedestrian walkway eventually. A while back, cabeman posted a document indicating that this alley/walkway was supposed to extend behind 455 Adelaide and down the existing access to the warehouse behind the Silverplate building.

With this (potential) development, it looks like the walkway/driveway/Morrison extension/whatever will now be a straight line once again.

For the moment, at least.
