I think its a preview party for Fashion House as well as a thank you night for all of Freed's puchasers in his other projects. Looks like it should be a pretty good time - open bar, big name dj, etc...
New Rendering

From today's globe and mail.

I think its a preview party for Fashion House as well as a thank you night for all of Freed's puchasers in his other projects. Looks like it should be a pretty good time - open bar, big name dj, etc...

"Thank you", my a$$. More like, "preview party for FashionHouse.".
Great looking building. I'm really wondering what they're planning with the red bits. Force everyone to have red-backed drapery?

I sure hope they don't tint the windows red. Imagine your only natural light being in the blood-red part of the spectrum? Fine if you're colourblind, or Dracula, but kind of extreme for the rest of us.
Looks like 14 floors. Wonder if the city will go for that in that block?
what are the chances on that sidewalk ... fingers crossed!
Well damn, it does look rather good in that rendering. Maybe in 10 years' time Toronto gets Dutch-style architecture? Who wants to buy the penthouse suite for me? Merci.:)

er, urbandreamer likes something - I'm a bit gobsmacked and confused. Perhaps we could take up a collection to get him that penthouse suite, or at least a set of curtains for the penthouse suite.
^Except it's in the wrong city: Imagine this building in Hamilton. $100,000 gets you the penthouse!

Freed you wanna team up with my capital and create Freed-Hamsterville?

Jaborandi, a question I've wondered about you: Are you related to or a fan of Lenni Jabour?
After eyeballing this rendering, doesn't it kind of look somewhat like 650 King - but with lots of fashionable colours?

Across the checkerboard alley will be a yet-to-be-defined twelve floor office building.
I believe the plan for the 570 King site (as in the old proposal) is still to remove the 1-storey addition at the front, but the restored Silver Plate building would end up being all retail (I think under the old proposal the building was going to function as the main condo entrance).

I noticed yesterday that they started erecting the frame for pedestrian walkthrough hoarding in front of the old building. Presumably they will be removing the 1 storey addition soon.
I noticed yesterday that they started erecting the frame for pedestrian walkthrough hoarding in front of the old building. Presumably they will be removing the 1 storey addition soon.

The interior of the 1-storey addition appears mostly gutted at this point (photo from last weekend).

Sales Office?

I noticed yesterday that they started erecting the frame for pedestrian walkthrough hoarding in front of the old building. Presumably they will be removing the 1 storey addition soon.

Maybe they will make the main floor of the Silver Plate building (properly restored) the sales office for FashionHouse.
I thought Fashionhouse was to be a small project, just found on Freed's website this project has 361 units.
