The sins in this station are myriad!
As I discussed w/several at the UT meet-up today..........
On the surface level, west side of Keele the ceiling is all a uniform finish, and 95% pot-hole style lighting.
With a single fluorescent fixture, for no obvious logical reason, looking completely incongruous, roughly in the middle.
While the mezzanine level features a nice ceiling finish and pothole lights over the platform and escalators.......that transition for no obvious reason to fluorescent lighting at the top of the escalators, lighting which isn't particularly attractive, but also doesn't even run consistently in the same direction (again w/o obvious reason).
In other locations there is no drop ceiling.
In portions of those....the light fixtures are not all suspended at the same height, the differences obvious to the naked eye.
Either that is an egregious design flaw or someone doesn't know what a measuring stick is..........
Other than that..............fine station!
Psssst......... For 200M I could have done better.