Re-Clad to being in 2009

I was talking with one of the FCP management staff today who told me that the re-clad along with several large interior tenant moves is scheduled to begin in May

The re-clad will be an opaque white marble stained glass that will mimic the current look of the building in order to maintain the Toronto skyline while serving to lighten the look and surface of the building.

There will be 3 phases starting from the top of the building.
One - Removal of existing marble
Two - clean and prep
Three - re-clad

Steps two and three will be phased in at 1/3 intervals. He couldn't specify a timeline for completion.

so the material will be glass?
Marble stained glass, eh? Assuming it's of high quality, it sounds like it'll look pretty fascinating. Considering its prominence, I have high hopes that they'll do a good job on the building.
I've also heard that it's going to be opaque white glass, tho the marble effect is news to me (but makes sense). I know a mockup was done, but I forget where. I think it was either done on the 18 York lot or at the fabrication facility up by Keele/Steeles
Sweet! I can not wait for this to happen. Our skyline in 2010 is going to be so much more than it is now!
A marble pattern on glass? That sounds like it could age terribly. I am normally okay with the concept of things aging badly (it's architecture after all) but I feel as if the financial district should try to keep its timeless aura.

Why can't it just be opaque white glass with no pattern?

Either way, this is exciting! It will be awesome to watch it be reclad!!! :cool: May? That's so fwiggen soon!
Trying to make any material look like something it's not is usually a bad idea in my experience. Wouldn't it be a better idea just to go with white opaque glass? Throwing a marble pattern into the mix -- especially when the building was originally clad in real marlbe -- seems somewhat tacky to me.
I was talking with one of the FCP management staff today who told me that the re-clad along with several large interior tenant moves is scheduled to begin in May

The re-clad will be an opaque white marble stained glass that will mimic the current look of the building in order to maintain the Toronto skyline while serving to lighten the look and surface of the building.

There will be 3 phases starting from the top of the building.
One - Removal of existing marble
Two - clean and prep
Three - re-clad

Steps two and three will be phased in at 1/3 intervals. He couldn't specify a timeline for completion.


By "several large interior tenant moves" this you mean tenants vacating FCP correct?

Probably into one of the newer buildings. From what I here this is happening in a lot of our older stock as expected.
By "several large interior tenant moves" this you mean tenants vacating FCP correct?

Probably into one of the newer buildings. From what I here this is happening in a lot of our older stock as expected.

Actually in the Shopping Concourse. LCBO is looking to take over a large section on the Adelaide main entrance displacing several stores and offices and creating both interior and exterior frontage. We didn't discuss office tenants.
Oh so you mean they're going to have to demolish a wall or two. Hence, why not start the whole re cladding process now! :)
Actually in the Shopping Concourse. LCBO is looking to take over a large section on the Adelaide main entrance displacing several stores and offices and creating both interior and exterior frontage. We didn't discuss office tenants.

Would this be the old Sandra Ainsley Gallery zone?
The good news is that with glass, the whole building will have a new reflective sheen. It could look quite nice both during the day when the sun will play off it and at night when it'll reflect the lights of surrounding buildings.
