no more marble rain.
I have a former classmate who's working on the recladding project. Ellis Don is currently investigating various replacement strategies on behalf of Brookfield, but they're still in the early engineering design stage for the most part. Nothing is set in stone, but the leading idea is to remove all the marble and replace it with glass (the colour is up to Brookfield). Talks of replacing the marble are pretty much dead due to the expense. Other ideas under exmaination are cleaning the marble and, replacing the marble with a cheaper stone. Don't expect an announcement any time soon. From what he said, this summer will probably be the earliest, and it's dependant on their occupancy rate about whether the project will get off the ground.
Well conflicting information.
The other topic about this mentions marble effect glass will be used.
i wonder if they will keep the marble on the podium?
Mods can you merge the threads together.

Either way I think we're still at the *rumor* stage with no hard facts.
Well, better glass, maybe, than the blah granite on Aon in Chicago (or 2FCP, for that matter)
Holt Renfrew on Bloor has the same or a similar facade that was suffering from the same problems as FCP. They cleaned it about 2 years ago and it still looks pretty good.
The problem goes deeper than aesthetics for FCP, though. Cleaning the marble isn't an option because years of absorbing smog has weakened it, causing it to fall off the building.
I hope they don't replace it all with glass. There are enough glass towers going up as it is. Despite the so-so aesthetic of FCP, it's a part of Toronto now. When you look at the skyline we have a big honkin white thing in the middle of it all.

It would be like replacing the sears tower with green or blue glass
I hope they don't replace it all with glass. There are enough glass towers going up as it is. Despite the so-so aesthetic of FCP, it's a part of Toronto now. When you look at the skyline we have a big honkin white thing in the middle of it all.

It would be like replacing the sears tower with green or blue glass

I agree Not another glass box.
But we'd still have a big honkin' white thing in the middle of it all, it would just be a brighter, shinier, more consistent white.
In other words, white glass would mean it's still a big, white, monolith in the middle of it all. It will still be our big "Sears Tower" of our own.
But we'd still have a big honkin' white thing in the middle of it all, it would just be a brighter, shinier, more consistent white.

Would it still be white if they replaced all the marble with glass? If Brookfield is debating options, that's going to be the cheapest for them which makes me believe it could be being considered quite seriously.

Maybe they do a nice white glass, but something tells me it's just not going to have the same look at all
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