Driving East along the Gardiner provides a great perspective on the new cladding. Just another few floors and the difference will be very easy to compare.
I think the new tiles would look much better if they were the same dimensions as the old ones. I like the mosaic aspect of the old ones, minus all the dirt and grime. The newer ones are too clunky and I'm not a fan of the narrow tiles on the corners, prior to where the black portion starts. Overall though, it will be an improvement from a cleanliness standpoint.
I prefer the cleaner lines of the larger tiles.

Fair enough. I just think the new ones stand out too much. I prefer the subtlety of the old ones. The black corners are a really nice touch. I'm glad they aren't bronze. Looks like sought inspiration from One Saint Thomas.
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From the 68th

Here are a some pictures I was able to grab while on the 68th floor yesterday:




OMFG!!!! quite a few awesome photos today! i would kill to do laps around the scaffolding hanging on the side of FCP! pure awesome. i wonder how much/if the platform shakes during high winds.
that shot from 1King is sick!
I like the tiny little sliver of Trump you can make out behind Trinity's dome in that closeup picture.

BMO is looking increasingly slender with the black corners. I guess having the black there breaks up the mass of white that it currently reads as
Posted by Delerium over at SSP in the skyline thread. Someone took a tour of the roof of One King West and snapped some cool pics.


(Found at SSP page here: http://forum.skyscraperpage.com/showthread.php?p=5045396#post5045396 )

(From a Flickr account found here: Flickr.com http://www.flickr.com/photos/angietorres/ )

It looks like Commerce Court West is going to need a major exterior overhaul soon too. Windows will have to be uniformly replaced as well as the stainless steel cladding, or it will be the new "mosaic tower" that FCP became with its dirty marble.
Yeah, I've always wondered why CCW had those mismatched panels. Is that because some of them were replaced over time? It would look really sharp with new windows and panels. Also It would look great if they had a chunkier antenna in the middle of the tower, rather than off to the side.
