How about they mount a large artillery piece up there that constantly shells Robarts Library.
Haven't heard a bad idea yet!
I'm thinking we should add multiple guyed wires from the CN Tower's edgewalk and hook it onto FCP's antenna's. Zinging across the city from 1,160 feet up! Now that'd be a real 'on edge' experience :eek:
For the record, Edward Durell Stone died on August 6, 1978. Emma Stone was born on November 6, 1988.
Sept 09






I love how you can't even see the wrap around scaffolding from many areas around the city!!! only when you're near the building can you see! it looks complete from most angles!
I know we've seen for quite some time that they were recladding the base but I seem to recall that they were going to retain marble cladding on the podium. Did that change or will marble be retained in some form somewhere on the podium?
For those keeping track of the interior progress, a set of hoarding on the south side of the concourse and lobby was removed either over the weekend or Monday and a new set is going up on the north central side on both floors (surrounding the fountain area on the concourse). They'll have to move the lobby display on the project where I've been getting my floor progress updates.
