I agree. Unless this re-cladding is some sort of complete change in appearance, it's not that big a deal. It would be a much more rare and unique thing to change the actual look, on not simply refresh the existing look.

Well, imagine First Canadian Place going from a matte white envelope (not really white with all the accumulated grime) to a glossy reflective pure white.

It's Toronto's tallest building and it will finally stand out again for the right reasons. During the day it'll appear shiny in its new clean white skin and at night it'll reflect the lights of the surroundings buildings.

I think this will be a dramatic change and/or addition for our skyline.
A glossy white might be very interesting, but imagine how much it would add to the window cleaning costs! ;)

I have to agree with those who view the antennas as an eye sore. While not an object of great beauty, FCP is a simple and clean design. However, the antenna stuff looks a little cluttered. It would be great for the tallest building in the city to be topped with a communication tower with some more finesse to it.
It would be great for the tallest building in the city to be topped with a communication tower with some more finesse to it.

it would be great if everyone used the purpose built communications tower at Front and John.
I wonder if it's expensive to host your communications equipment there.

Similar to the rent at FCP, but higher in elevation, and with backup power.
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Aon wasn't the tallest building in the city or country. There is certainly significant discussion on the potential recladding of the Sears/Willis Tower.

Aon has an extremely prominent location in Chicago, lining the north edge of (and fully exposed to) Grant Park, and was the second tallest building in the city at the time of its recladding. (It was just recently passed by the Trump Tower, making it number three now). Aon is 83 storeys and 346 metres in height, edging First Canadian Place by 11 stories and 48 metres...

all to say that it is at least as prominent in Chicago as FCP is in Toronto, if not arguably more so. If its recladding was not that big an event, I don't predict much more for ours.

Worth mentioning in the thread again, just for the heck of it - both Aon and FCP were designed by the same marble-loving architect, Edward Durrell Stone. Too bad marble's reciprocated love for Stone was fleeting...

Marble sounds so posh of course, but it likes neither our climate nor acids in the atmosphere, so it's probably best left for armless torsos in museums!

It may have been mentioned already, but I noticed today that they were removing several of the panels on the lower floors above the podium on the west side of the tower.
It may have been mentioned already, but I noticed today that they were removing several of the panels on the lower floors above the podium on the west side of the tower.

I too noticed that while on the King streetcar. w00t!!!
