Aon has an extremely prominent location in Chicago, lining the north edge of (and fully exposed to) Grant Park, and was the second tallest building in the city at the time of its recladding. (It was just recently passed by the Trump Tower, making it number three now). Aon is 83 storeys and 346 metres in height, edging First Canadian Place by 11 stories and 48 metres...

all to say that it is at least as prominent in Chicago as FCP is in Toronto, if not arguably more so. If its recladding was not that big an event, I don't predict much more for ours.

You do realize that everything you posted is pretty much irrelevant. I don't think anyone ever claimed it would be the most exciting event to hit our city. People simply said it's the most exciting project at the moment to THEM, and none of this information will change that.

In fact I think I'm most excited about this project too to be honest.
I also am greatly looking forward to this project. I recall how FCP looked when it was new, there really is no comparison between the shiny white marble back then and the uneven, dingy grey of today. I don't yet know how the recladding project will turn out, but it has to be a vast improvement over the current disgraceful appearance.
This may have been mentioned before, but does anyone have any ideas how long a process like this would take to complete? How long did it take to reclad the AON Centre?

A new thread should probably be started to discuss projects people are looking forward to. Forgive me for not doing it myself, but i'm looking forward to the development of the West Don Lands and East Bayfront neighbourhoods, the most.
You do realize that everything you posted is pretty much irrelevant. I don't think anyone ever claimed it would be the most exciting event to hit our city. People simply said it's the most exciting project at the moment to THEM, and none of this information will change that.

In fact I think I'm most excited about this project too to be honest.

Sure it's irrelevant to those like yourself for whom this project is number one. Tuscani started this off, however, by claiming

Looks like FCP will take away all the attention from new construction going on in the city for a little while!

and followed that with

For us on the forum though, it seems like this is the most anticipated project.

which presumes to speak for all or at least the majority of us. I think that's debatable, and I've covered why in a couple of posts. Still, it's irrelevant to you, so don't let me avert your steady gaze from the FCP recladding! (Not that there's anything wrong with it.)

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Panels being taken down

Anyone have any update as to why about 50 or so panels have been taken down on the west side of the building? Possibly installing some test panels?
Apparently the press release announcing the commencemnet of this project will be issued tomorrow. That seems to line up nicely with the commencement of prep work on the West side...
If it's for a platform, then this work can probably be done pretty quickly. The platform covers the width of the building, workers replace a row of tiles then lower it to the next level until they get to the bottom.

I'm sure the new tiles are designed to anchor the same way as the old ones so it's just a matter of removing the old and affixing the new.
A picture Drum just posted in the Bay Adelaide thread, you can see some of the marble taken off about halfway up FCP.

