Apologize if it's been commented on in the last few pages, but does anyone notice how difficult the letters are to discern at night? And how they don't really look blue?
Apologize if it's been commented on in the last few pages, but does anyone notice how difficult the letters are to discern at night? And how they don't really look blue?

Saw the north side a few times last week at night and while they were more white then blue, I didn't have a problem seeing them. The light was fairly well diffused and little halination.
The BMO sign on the north side is really white, but the one on the west side is blue. I assume it will be fixed after.

Also, has anyone heard the elevators when they move up and down? They're so squeaky and loud. You can hear it all around the area. That must be creepy to be on one of those elevators.
Taken at noon today.

^ Wow that shot makes it look like a light blue glass! Not even a tint. I know it's the sky/reflection but it is still pretty cool.
Here's what the (north?) side of the facade may look like when finished..

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Here's what the (north?) side of the facade may look like when finished..


That's the west side facing us, the north on the left.
The tower this afternoon was shifting through an array of reflections second by second. The hues were changing from white to blue and green, from one minute to the next. The pic below shows a shot during one of the transitions. Next time it does this, I'll shoot some video. It's high level of reflectivity and changing hues is going to save the day when the cladding is all complete.

