The more scaffolding goes up, the more I'm relieved about the shameful state Canada's tallest building was left to reach.

When you have guests over, it's embarrassing for the place to be a mess but it's not when you have plastic covering the furniture and paintbrushes out. We have finally brought out the paintbrushes!
"Thats why you gotta get out and walk around!..."

Awesome vid Cal! and great news/inspirational quotes! :D

Very cool to see the elevator and the scaffolding ready to cover the entire face of the building! It's gonna be sweet once they start ripping down all the tiles!

I thought FCP looked bad but it will look CRAZY BAD once its covered in scaffolding! wicked stuff!
Anybody know how the scaffolding is going to work? I would imagine there is some level of danger in installing scaffolding up the side of a 300m building. Especially with the winds that have caused one accident already...

If anybody has any info it would be greatly appreciated.

I've been wondering the same thing. I'm trying not to think about everything that can go wrong with the scaffolding clinging to the building. I don't understand why they couldn't remove and replace each tile one by one from a hanging platform. They could have all four sides going at once.
I believe the tower scaffold they have on the east and west facades will be for the construction elevators, and the scaffold they lower as the go will only be a couple of floors high, that wraps around the building and lowers as they progress through the re-clad process... But instead of me trying to describe all this... Let's all watch the video again!

(Click for animation at the bottom of the page)
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I don't really get what they're doing. In the video it shows scaffolding, but not all up the building, and not entirely covering a full side either. Is it just temporary to install the system that will cling to the building?
There are eight independent access platforms but scaffolding or the support structure has only been built on the east and west sides of the building. I presume the north and south side will have support structures built too, I guess time will tell how this will work.
They are building the suspended platforms on the ground and upon completion they will be hoisted up to the top to remove the tiles and install the new gladding.
What's crazy is how long the process is going to take. The re-cladding will take 1.75 years according to this:

The video re-affirms this at the end. In fact he says it will take 2 weeks per 2 floors, which is only 26 floors a year. Hell, if they stayed at that rate, it would take almost three years to re-clad the building.
Mar 11 2010


Lol The scaffolding that wraps around the building will not be going all the way to the top , there are derricks on the roof of FCP that will suspend it..
Also I would like to announce that I touched the bMo sign today on the east side , the west side has been working on the double bracing below , when we finish we will switch sides so you will probably see the west side making progress in the next week or so - lovin' this weather btw happy st patty's all cheers!
Welcome to UT, Joseph!

If you've ever wanted to be a superstar and have a fan club I'd recommend taking some photos for us from up there!
