Looking down University Ave from College St yesterday evening at about 6:30, FCP's new panels definitely looked slightly minty-green. No worries though at this early stage.
Northwest corner taken today. Note the missing BMO sign


Closer view of corner section

There does definitely seem to be a green-tinged milkiness to the cladding, but I think it's quite nice. I love how large the panels are - I think that's going to play out nicely as work moves forward.
Northwest corner taken today. Note the missing BMO sign

Missing? In your first photo I can see clearly where the red circle of the BMO logo will be placed.


The rest of the logo will come with the next row of panels.

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^ Yes, I meant missing in terms of the Panels having been removed for the time being. There's just a notch there at the moment, which is what I was referring to.
At first I thought that green tinge was coming from the sky but I went back to some pix I took in December when they were testing panels at the base and the same green tinge is there. So it looks like we'll get a slightly minty green tower. It'll go nice with Scotia Plaza, great with the TD Centre and decent with Trump.

Toronto needs more recladding projects.. I'm sure there are tonnes of buildings we would all love to see have a fresh new look like FCP.
Is anyone else a bit disappointed that they're replacing the granite with glass? The Aon building in Chicago had similar problems with carrara marble but when it was reclad they used a different kind of granite instead of going with glass.
The Red BMO sign is there on the South facade. The proximity of the service elevator to the East sign must mean they'll install the red plexi-glass a little later.
yes, i would have preferred granite instead of glass, and especially so when I see this slightly green tinge to the glass! I'm a bit worried about the end result, but I guess we'll stay tuned and hopefully I wont be saying "I told you so" later...
