Everyone's entitled to their opinion. The podium in my eyes, is ugly. It doesn't fit with the street, it's too bulky, boxy (looks almost brutalist in nature), and plain unattractive. It's located at one of the most important intersections in the city, and it's under two stories. I see no reason in keeping it at all. Victorian architecture however is what Toronto was basically built on. There's a difference between outdated buildings and architecturally significant ones. I don't view Vic architecture on the same level as this abysmal podium we've got here.

Like come on.. wouldn't you rather see a nice 60-70s building sitting on this lot instead? It's a no brainer.

And to think the Toronto Star building would be still standing had it not been for this POS.

Do you even know what PoMo means? Hint: it's not a synonym for ugly or interchangeable with POS. The podium's heft is the point. It looks muscular and monumental. I'm not the biggest fan of having that podium at this location, though.

Also, remember that Toronto was built as a Georgian city with neighbourhoods filled with Georgian housing, but the Victorians destroyed most of that heritage. Most of Toronto was built up in the Modernist era (i.e. the 416 suburbs) and a lot of downtown was remade then.

Lastly, I don't know if I'd want another tower jammed in between FCP and King and Bay, unless the proportions were right and the architecture very bold.
Site Visit Nov 13

Click for full size

This recladding is really making a big different to the tower and that can be seen from a far today. ligthting.

The first shot is from Wellesley, 2nd from College and the rest off Queen
Lastly, I don't know if I'd want another tower jammed in between FCP and King and Bay, unless the proportions were right and the architecture very bold.

Would there be any air rights left at this point. FCP is so big because they bought most of the density on the block.
Nov 16 2010 update

Northeast Elevations

Northwest Elevations
Hey Harleyjuice! Welcome to Urban Toronto. So glad you found your way over to this site. You are already a bit of a legend over here. Someone who actually works up on the FCP re-clad.

Keep all the great pictures coming! We all really appreciate them.

Nice shots. I esp. love that last photo of the fog covering the city. Very surreal.

The shot reminds of those flights where when on the ground it's cloudy, but once you get to a certain altitude the plane gets above the clouds and it's bright and sunny.
