
Site Plan:

West Elevation:

North Elevation:
It is coming to City's Design Review Panel on 21 June.

271 Front Street East & 25 Berkeley Street
Site Plan Application & Rezoning, 1st Review
Willie Macrae, Community Planning ; Myron Boyko, Urban Design
Quadrangle Architects
Beautiful! Would love to see this one about 20 floors taller, and lose the smaller buildings.
It's not even a very interesting tower for such an important site.

Absolutely! I understand that negotiations (Involving City, Province and owners) are still very much ongoing about moving this building to the east side of Parliament Street (north of Mill Street) with the historic First Parliament Site finally all getting back under public ownership and, one day, being developed in a way that respects its history.
There are some serious details to be worked out here, including height which I doubt is going to fly.

And pushing history aside, the podium matches up with Pure Spirits Condo in the Distillery (a real variation on a theme). It's a nice touch.

Beautiful! Would love to see this one about 20 floors taller, and lose the smaller buildings.

This proposal achieves none of the intended programmatic goals for this site. I can see the condo sales literature: Rooftop amenity space, games room, 'First parliament themed' gardens ... What a farce.

I don't understand the contingency of people on this site who seem to get some sort of self gratification from seeing large towers erected everywhere regardless of context or quality. Well designed, well placed skyscrapers make Toronto an exciting and vibrant place and are one means of achieving intensification and density. That does not mean that the highest and best use of every block downtown is highrise redevelopment. City building is not some sort of virtual reality video game. If all of the variety and richness of the city were to be displaced by skyscrapers, you would have destroyed the very reason for it's existence.
I don't understand the contingency of people on this site who seem to get some sort of self gratification from seeing large towers erected everywhere regardless of context or quality. Well designed, well placed skyscrapers make Toronto an exciting and vibrant place and are one means of achieving intensification and density. That does not mean that the highest and best use of every block downtown is highrise redevelopment. City building is not some sort of virtual reality video game. If all of the variety and richness of the city were to be displaced by skyscrapers, you would have destroyed the very reason for it's existence.

It's a shame we see this too often. I would personally be very happy if half of the condo units going up in towers instead took the shape and form of 6-8 mid-rise buildings.
Well put. It looks like an attractive proposal, but to suggest that it has anything to do with Canada's first parliament seems even more insulting to the history of the site than the current rental car parking lot. At least the car lot isn't making any bogus claims.
This proposal achieves none of the intended programmatic goals for this site. I can see the condo sales literature: Rooftop amenity space, games room, 'First parliament themed' gardens ... What a farce.

I don't understand the contingency of people on this site who seem to get some sort of self gratification from seeing large towers erected everywhere regardless of context or quality. Well designed, well placed skyscrapers make Toronto an exciting and vibrant place and are one means of achieving intensification and density. That does not mean that the highest and best use of every block downtown is highrise redevelopment. City building is not some sort of virtual reality video game. If all of the variety and richness of the city were to be displaced by skyscrapers, you would have destroyed the very reason for it's existence.

Yes! This obssession with supertalls on every block is annoying. You lose a lot of character and charm with these 60s glas blocks. I'd much rather have more low-rise buildings especially in this area.
I like the design and hope to see it built...but not on that site. Build it across the street on the parking lot north of Clear Spirits and we have a winner.
