I think this project looks fantastic. I like the way they have provided an area for a parkette for our "first parliament". I really can't see a problem with the proposed project. It was thoughtfully designed and is is an appropriate area. Let's get it built befor someone comes with a proposal like 501 Yonge.

Build it now before a worse design comes along? That's not how development works- it only happens if the development dies- and if this one does, it gives the city more time to acquire the property.

If anything private is going on this site, better let it simmer first- a better design might come out in the end.
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I think this project looks fantastic. I like the way they have provided an area for a parkette for our "first parliament". I really can't see a problem with the proposed project. It was thoughtfully designed and is is an appropriate area. Let's get it built befor someone comes with a proposal like 501 Yonge.

What an extraordinary comment! This project is NOT approriate for this site and greatly exceeds the zoning heights. It is not a good idea to build something (which might look fine elsewhere) just because it is better than something that MIGHT be proposed.

I understand that negotiations are still on-going fror a land swap and bet that at the end of the day this project will move (and be modified) and will sit on the site on east side of Parliament Street.
What an extraordinary comment! This project is NOT approriate for this site and greatly exceeds the zoning heights. It is not a good idea to build something (which might look fine elsewhere) just because it is better than something that MIGHT be proposed.

I understand that negotiations are still on-going fror a land swap and bet that at the end of the day this project will move (and be modified) and will sit on the site on east side of Parliament Street.

Approriate or not approriate, this plan has been submitted to the city and now its up to them to decide where this all goes..regarding re-location, considering the Distillery District is a block away the developer will most likely get 40-45 storeys out of this.
here's a thought...City should send this plan to 501 Yonge! :D

It looks like a well designed tower I'll hand them that, and I would love to see it go up in the city....just not at this location! :mad: such a slap in the face to this historically important site.

That said, and with the precedent set in the immediate area by the three towers in the Distillery, it'll most likely get knocked down and redesigned a bit. I fully expect a fight though, complete with a trip to the OMB. Either way, it will be interesting to see how this one plays out!
I think this design would play quite nicely across from 1 Bloor, as a more restrained cousin or brother, or what have you...
What an extraordinary comment!
Why, thank you!

This project is NOT approriate for this site
Says who?, you? I think it is very appropriate and would create a significant area to remember the “first parliament†adjacent to a new and exciting landmark.

I understand that negotiations are still on-going fror a land swap and bet that at the end of the day this project will move (and be modified) and will sit on the site on east side of Parliament Street.
I hope your right because if so, AG is likely correct in assuming the height could actually increase.
This is a nice design but an incredibly banal and unimaginative way to treat the site of our First Parliament. This says a lot about Toronto as a place, its people and their priorities/sensitivities... and what is says is not that positive, in my estimation.
The City Planning Division recommends that:

4. The application be significantly reduced in height and density prior to further processing beyond the public consultation meeting.

5. Staff be directed to continue negotiations with municipal and provincial representatives, as well as the owner of 271 Front Street East and 25 Berkeley Street, to pursue alternative options to private development on the subject property.

The proposal in its current form is not supportable. Staff are seeking significant modifications to the massing and built form of the proposal in order to move forward with processing the application. In conjunction with other municipal and provincial elected officials and staff, planning staff are also working with the applicant to explore alternatives to development on this property.

A nice design, but definitely in the wrong place. And the shadows that the massing of the west tower would cast over the square are completely inappropriate.

And before casting aspersions and assuming this is a done deal, just re-read the bolded excepts above and wait for this to play out. What's clearly going on behind the scenes says a lot of positive things about the city too.
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Clearly, the best resolution would be for the City to gain control of the entire block and the project as proposed moved across the street and built there instead. Although given our current Mayor, I would hold out little hope for much in the way of a museum, a building reconstruction or even an 'interpretive centre' on the First Parliament site. Maybe after he is voted out, something could be done.
Clearly, the best resolution would be for the City to gain control of the entire block and the project as proposed moved across the street and built there instead. Although given our current Mayor, I would hold out little hope for much in the way of a museum, a building reconstruction or even an 'interpretive centre' on the First Parliament site. Maybe after he is voted out, something could be done.

Come to the announcement by OHF at the old Porsche Dealership next week: http://www.slna.ca/slna-news-pdfs/Event Invitation - June 8 2011 Eng-Fre.pdf
Come to the announcement by OHF at the old Porsche Dealership next week: http://www.slna.ca/slna-news-pdfs/Event Invitation - June 8 2011 Eng-Fre.pdf

This does sound promising:

Ontario Heritage Trust
An agency of the Government of Ontario

Please join the Honourable Michael Chan, Minister of Tourism and Culture and Dr. Thomas H.B. Symons, Chairman of the Ontario Heritage Trust for an important announcement at the site of Ontario’s first parliament buildings in anticipation of the War of 1812 bicentennial

Thursday, June 23, 2011 at 2:30 p.m.

265 Front Street East, Toronto – on the corner of Front and Berkeley streets

Please RSVP by June 20 to 416-314-4902 or email rsvp@heritagetrust.on.ca
A nice design, but definitely in the wrong place. And the shadows that the massing of the west tower would cast over the square are completely inappropriate.

For goodness sake, nothing af all this is set in stone and were already talking shadow issues over an imaginary square. WTF:confused:
For goodness sake, nothing af all this is set in stone and were already talking shadow issues over an imaginary square. WTF:confused:

wtf indeed.
If it was set in stone there would be no point in discussing it at all. The very fact that it isn't set in stone means this discussion is still relevant.
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