For goodness sake, nothing af all this is set in stone and were already talking shadow issues over an imaginary square. WTF:confused:

… and what is not imaginary is the historical significance of this site. Obviously things are in motion to celebrate it finally.

For goodness sake, nothing af all this is set in stone and were already talking shadow issues over an imaginary square. WTF:confused:

Discussion over the architecture of a building is going to happen when a design surfaces, especially one so potentially problematic for a site of great historical significance.
Yeah, Its strange that this site of great historical significance is still privately owned, and should never have been so problematic if the city had owned it, or purchased it when it had many opportunities to do so ...:confused:

A purchase can only occur when both parties agree to do It -- and consent to a mutually-satisfactory price. The only other option is expropriation.

And, in either scenario, you can reasonably expect the property to go for its market value, and with this property, the longer it takes, the more it's worth......

Oh and btw, the last time I checked, talking about the design aesthetics of a proposal render was the norm around here. WTF indeed.
What is this obsession by some people to have these towering residential towers in areas with a built form that will largely remain medium rise? There are plenty of examples like 21 Vaughan and the fact that not one of the 300 built residential towers over the past five years could be considered a landmark worthy of international recognition. I just don't get it.
What is this obsession by some people to have these towering residential towers in areas with a built form that will largely remain medium rise? There are plenty of examples like 21 Vaughan and the fact that not one of the 300 built residential towers over the past five years could be considered a landmark worthy of international recognition. I just don't get it.

People that don't actually live in Toronto and probably aren't even familiar with the area. A lot of the height trolls give off a very parochial vibe.
I'm very cautious about this one, and will hold off on the high-fives and cartwheels of joy at this point...

So do I have it correctly that the commemoration of this most historic site will be housed in an automotive sales centre and will take less than a year to be open to the public? Sounds a little cheesy and underwhelming to me, like a bone tossed to the public to keep them busy while the green light is issued for more and more lucrative, tower-tastic commercial developments. Hrmph, not buying it! This site deserves more and so do the people of Toronto, 'er actually of Ontario and Canada for that matter!

The handling of this site is yet another example of the bungling lack of vision typical of Toronto. Sorry.
Sounds a little cheesy and underwhelming to me, like a bone tossed to the public to keep them busy while the green light is issued for more and more lucrative, tower-tastic commercial developments. Hrmph, not buying it! This site deserves more and so do the people of Toronto, 'er actually of Ontario and Canada for that matter!

The handling of this site is yet another example of the bungling lack of vision typical of Toronto. Sorry.

I completely agree.
I'm very cautious about this one, and will hold off on the high-fives and cartwheels of joy at this point...

So do I have it correctly that the commemoration of this most historic site will be housed in an automotive sales centre and will take less than a year to be open to the public? Sounds a little cheesy and underwhelming to me, like a bone tossed to the public to keep them busy while the green light is issued for more and more lucrative, tower-tastic commercial developments. Hrmph, not buying it! This site deserves more and so do the people of Toronto, 'er actually of Ontario and Canada for that matter!

The handling of this site is yet another example of the bungling lack of vision typical of Toronto. Sorry.

I agree the site deserves more, though I still remain hopeful something can be worked out. This was just an announcement of an interim location to house commemorative information since a more substansive facility (or even agreements) will not be ready by 2012.
I agree the site deserves more, though I still remain hopeful something can be worked out. This was just an announcement of an interim location to house commemorative information since a more substansive facility (or even agreements) will not be ready by 2012.

I'm confused does this have anything to do with the work at Fort York ?

i.e. they new center they're building there ?

Or what's the relationship between that and this ?
I agree the site deserves more, though I still remain hopeful something can be worked out. This was just an announcement of an interim location to house commemorative information since a more substansive facility (or even agreements) will not be ready by 2012.

I was at the announcement and it was quite clear that the re-use of the old Porsch building is seen as an interim and temporary thing and that if/when the rest of the site gets into public hands the whole site will be dealt with. Like many people there I was disappointed (though not surprised) that Minister Chan was not announcing the land swap but, frankly, it is probably a very good idea to get SOMETHING ono the site in time for the 1812 anniversary and having an interpretive centre there should increase public awareness that this site IS a very important historical one.

Is it a perfect long-term solution? No, and I doubt anyone thinks it is.
^ I agree.

On a slightly related note, I re-read the plaque for the First Parliament Site and at the bottom is says that after the rebuilt Parliament Buildings burnt down, they were rebuilt on Front Street west of Simcoe. Anyone have more information on this? I just remember that area being railroad tracks, then parking lots, and then what is there now, Simcoe Place and CBC Headquarters on the north side, MTCC on the south side.
