I can't taking looking at pictures like that. Seriously, what kind of alcohol were people drinking in the past that allowed them to let such exquisite works of art degrade to piles of filth, ultimately to be demolished? Just imagine how incredible the city would be if we preserved streetscrapes like that. That's on par with any European city, in terms of architecture. It's impossible to imagine how we could go from such pristine grace and charm and become such a downtrodden city. There was so much romanticism in the old Toronto and I'm completely in love with how the city looked, even though I never had the chance to experience it in such a state. Had we preserved most of our built heritage, I wonder how different the city would be today...I imagine there would be greater civic pride, identity and much less apathy towards our public realm and built form.
When one looks at photos of those buildings of Yonge St, as posted above, is it any wonder why there is basically no public support for heritage preservation? To most people, it's as if we have nothing worth saving. Most of our exceptional buildings are so poorly maintained, so it's no surprise that the general public is indifferent to such matters. Torontonians go to New York, Chicago, Boston, Europe, etc. to enjoy the architecture, and are completely oblivious to what we had and still do have that is worthy of such attention.