Amazing Update Drum - here is my lazy man walking up the street update.. lol

Curiously, that crosswalk pedestrian doesn't seem to agree as he's carefully avoiding making eye contact. Little does he know he's walking headlong towards Velocity at the Square.
I really hope so. I think the tower is a bit of a mess.. They put all design ideas onto one building. There's just a bit too much going on. fingers crossed

The bulky, undulating east side of the tower does not meet a happy ending at the top which seems unresolved and out of proportion. As much as I like the materials used and effort of preservation at street level , the sum of the parts is greater than the total.
I really hope so. I think the tower is a bit of a mess.. They put all design ideas onto one building. There's just a bit too much going on. fingers crossed

Hmm ...... where do I start with your comment?
First, I must assume that you are one of those 1-Bloor East die-hard fans who cannot fathom the idea that Five St. Joseph is a better building.

Secondly, "Putting all design ideas in one building" is called going extreme in architectural merits, something we are not used to seeing here in Toronto.
Thirdly, People like you who believe this buildings design is a mess, are all the reason behind Toronto's horrible, simplistic, and tasteless GLASS boxes erected all over the city by developers who believe in maximizing their profit because they will sell.

While FIVE is not a masterpiece like the Absolute Towers, it surely is different from most of the rest.
@kweku, I think you're going to end up having to agree to disagree on the merits of particular designs, meaning you need to find less aggressive ways of putting forth your opinions, rather than launching into "People like you" type diatribes. Discuss the buildings, not the other contributors please.

Yeah I guess I was a little bit personal, I do apologize for that.
There is however, a very thin line between commenting on a contribution without criticizing the contributor.
I couldn't be more disappointed with the RBC in the historic storefronts. When I walked by I counted eight storefronts. The RBC takes up half. Reminds me of the Shopper's Drugmart at One Bedford. Really sucks the life out of the street and neighbourhood.
I really hope so. I think the tower is a bit of a mess.. They put all design ideas onto one building. There's just a bit too much going on. fingers crossed

I think context matters. I really like how it pays a LOT of respect to both the old and the new in the area: nice heritage street-front and a similar black-white color-scheme as 1001 Bay. I feel the balconies alone also make it so so much better than anything that's one up in the area in recent times, as well (lloking at Murana, Burano, U, Casas, 4 Seasons - all identical glass boxes; chaz is ok).
Why are we even comparing 1be and 5? Like it's one or the other? They are the same architect. Are you aware of that kweku?
I happen to like 1be more, but by no means does that mean I don't like this one as well.

Also I agree it does a lot to pull from other architecture nearby. I love how well it plays off of the lines of 1001
I couldn't be more disappointed with the RBC in the historic storefronts. When I walked by I counted eight storefronts. The RBC takes up half. Reminds me of the Shopper's Drugmart at One Bedford. Really sucks the life out of the street and neighbourhood.

It's truly an insult to urbanism and vibrancy when they do that. I will never bank with RBC unless absolutely necessary. It's one of the things that actually makes me irrationally angry. Above everything else wrong with development, this is the one thing that just hits a nerve in me.
It's truly an insult to urbanism and vibrancy when they do that. I will never bank with RBC unless absolutely necessary. It's one of the things that actually makes me irrationally angry. Above everything else wrong with development, this is the one thing that just hits a nerve in me.

Where would it be acceptable for banks to be located in your opinion then?
I dont mind banks (and drug stores, etc.) having a storefront entrance, but the bulk of their space should be tucked behind other smaller street-facing retail/commercial units so that the majority of the frontage can be reserved for things that engage pedestrians.
Where would it be acceptable for banks to be located in your opinion then?
Pretty much what snyberTO said, off on smaller units and not in important spaces that have been specifically designed for a more engaging business. Aura comes to mind as a place that screwed this up royally, where the expanded sidewalks were ideal for patios, but they relegated the restaurants to Gerard instead of Yonge. It makes absolutely not sense, and kills the street level experience for the area. I wouldn't even be mad if RBC owned Yonge frontage, but the fact that they bought and combined 2 units here, while already owning frontage only 8 minutes down the street is appalling. I know you "can't zone user, only use" but let's just make banks/payday loans etc it's own zoning code and zone them away from these prime spaces. By not protecting these spaces we deteriorate the whole city.
