this and 100 queen Quay make me think that Menkes is trying to go in the right direction.
this and 100 queen Quay make me think that Menkes is trying to go in the right direction.
Harbour Plaza/Sun Life would like a word
I would argue that those are actually quite well done projects. The ground level could use a bit of work but as a whole they are pretty solid.
I was also saying that is a good project. Was trying to say that Fleur and 100 QQ aren't the only good things Menkes has done/is doing
Ahhhh red brick. Is it me or are we seeing more red brick on developments now? Black/grey brick doesn’t seem as popular. Or is it all in my head.
Such a classy little build.
This is one of my absolute (new) favorites in the city right now.
This make me really wish balconies were less prominent or non-existent on more Toronto condos. Looks so elegant and clean. Balconies ruin everything, including views from the unit, and for what? The 0.00001% of the time they're used for something besides storage? -.-
