Looks to be 42 or 43 stories. I wonder if they'll be able to get that here. I like the design!
Garbage. Absolutely zero relationship between podium and tower. More fitting for some suburb where towers plopped on a podium (2015 version of towers in a park) is an improvement
Not entirely a box, but still a typical Toronto tower...

View attachment 57561

It's the boxified version of Ice Condo with its balconies in that pattern.

Agreed, citizen. Some supervillain developer is royally ripping off aA here, aided and abetted by a henchman architect willing to pump out warmed-over Ïce, somewhat cubed, and totally undercooked, without the requisite time given to allow the ingredients to combine into a satisfying whole. Back into the oven with this one until the Ïce remnants have entirely melted and there's a less shoddily plagiarized, more site specific, and fully cohesive plan for this corner edifice. One hopes that the servants of architectural morality in this town, the Design Review Panel, will knock some decency into the perpetrators here so that Robin and I won't have to.
It's the boxified version of Ice Condo with its balconies in that pattern.
Funny, this is actually an aA design.. so I suppose that explains the similarities.

I'm excited about all of this development that the city is seeing, I just wish we would move away from these all glass towers.

I'm surprised there isn't strict policy in place to prevent them from going up. Surely it's going to be insanely expensive when these all need to be retrofitted in the future.
Batman, on this case perhaps you should team up with Politeness Man and his Stainless Steel Hanky. Those weasel scoundrels won't know what hit 'em.
Wow to the suggestion that this is aA. Easily the biggest PoS they have produced thus far. It's an incoherent mess. Actually reminds me more of Chaz than Ice.
What's the source on the aA claim? Is there anything to confirm its validity?

If it is indeed aA then yes, this is pretty half baked but nothing about this seems like them. From the design of the building itself (which, regardless of the firm involved, is quite preliminary), to the rendering style, I'd be surprised if it was/is them. My money is on P+S (again, design and style of the image provided).
Has Catwoman got her hooks into Clewes? Has Olga, Queen of the Cossacks, copped the originals and replaced them with counterfeits? Has KingTut slipped a virus into aA's automation? There's certainly some treatchery afoot! What will we find out next week?
I hate to be the one to say it... aA has had some true triumphs. But they are really ruining this city with repetition. Hate this comment if you will. But it's true. Anything too many times sucks
I hate to be the one to say it... aA has had some true triumphs. But they are really ruining this city with repetition. Hate this comment if you will. But it's true. Anything too many times sucks

I won't say thy've ruined the city but they have produced a lot of boring, lifeless buildings. They have the odd homerun though. They have evolved from designing glass boxes to designing more glass boxes.
I don't think they have ruined the city v but they are headed in that direction. We need more variation. I don't even blame them I'm sure developers ask for a cheap signature aA tower and that's what they get.
