
When it comes to the location of this building, I don't think one should worry about the smells of piggies going off to become bacon.
Why would you suggest these places that are much closer to the supposedly very smelly "porn rendering plant" and yet knock this development for the same reason even though it's much farther away??

...Sounds intriguing
You've gotta be kidding me. I work right in that area and have NEVER smelled a thing... and I'm there every day of the week. There are DOZENS of condos going up right beside that "pork rendering plant" out towards Bathurst, and it hardly seems to bother them, let alone this location that is a huge distance farther.
I've lived in the area and the corner of Front & Spadina in particular totally reeks. It's also very windy there, which means the stench travels.

Why would you suggest these places that are much closer to the supposedly very smelly "porn rendering plant" and yet knock this development for the same reason even though it's much farther away??
I realize the pork rendering plant is actually closer to those developments, but I've only ever smelled it along Front street and the rail corridor. It's pretty bad around Bathurst & Front, but it doesn't seem to invade the nice quiet neighbourhood slightly north east. Maybe the trees shield that spot?

Also, thanks for making two separate posts instead of taking 2 seconds to edit your comments into a single reply. Postcount++! :p
Illusion: - your post has been moved to the existing Fly Condos thread. Please use the search feature to determine if there is an existing thread that covers the topic you are interested in.

Also, please note in the recently posted Rules of Conduct for the Forum that you need to have 25 posts before you start a thread. Thank you!

Thanks Sklar ! here's the building rendering ripped from Empire's website ~ judging from the balcony design, makes you wonder if Aa / Clews is behind this one again~



Not beautiful, but kinda cool.

A definite candidate for The Cheapeningâ„¢. (Look at the thickness and transparency of the west wall! Can that last?)

Any specific problems 3D, or do you just not like the overal composition?

Even if it is G+C (who basically have nothing of value to their name), they must have fired the whole design team and stepped their game up.
