Observer Walt
Senior Member
I support the preservation of heritage buildings. I wonder what could be done to get the owner to spiff it up a bit and make it an asset to the area, which IMO it is not at present.
There's a great photo of it on the wall at Union Station when you're entering the Skywalk (1920s? It was right at the harbour back then).Who's gonna post photos of this "offensive" building for us UT-ers to vote on (for or against demolition) in a poll?
Who's gonna post photos of this "offensive" building for us UT-ers to vote on (for or against demolition) in a poll?
lol... you guys are hillarious.
I actually live and work right around this area so I'm quite certain that I see that ugly building much more than any of you. I think it's hideous and needs to go.
In regards to the "pro-suburban views", I live and work downtown... I'm rarely in the suburbs these days. I chose to move from the suburbs to downtown Toronto, so I obviously personally saw some benefit to that lifestyle.
However having grown up in a suburb I am in the enlightened position to be able to comment on and compare both. Sadly, most people here aren't... and just make baseless arguments. Juvenile almost.
I support the preservation of heritage buildings. I wonder what could be done to get the owner to spiff it up a bit and make it an asset to the area, which IMO it is not at present.
what's wrong with 49 spadina?
I'll join the choir that it should be saved. It's a great looking building. It could easily be incorporated into a condo project in the parking lot to the south
Nice to see this huge mess of parking slowly get developed. Is the retail in Element occupied yet?
I just got this one off google. Not the best photo.
A lot of elbow grease is all it needs
Oh, zip it.