So why continue to retain Kirkor as the go-to arch of record then? Anyone can dream up cute shapes but if you're serious about constructing them, a competent firm is required to execute.
I noticed this too and wondered why they're bringing in a different architect of record, given that Teeple is presumably licensed to practice in Ontario. But again, I wonder how much responsibility is actually delegated to the architect of record, given that (for example) Mirvish/Gehry has P+S/IBI as the arch of record and we all know that Gehry is running the show there. Will Kirkor have any influence on the design or materials here, or are they just here to help arrange the parking spaces, submit plans to the city, and that sort of thing? I doubt that Teeple would be willing to put their name on anything that fell short of their standard of design.
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Have to say, that tower has a personality disorder
No, I don't believe they do. I certainly can't find any record of even a Final Report on it. The hearing for the new submission has been set for February 2017.

Bless Teeple.

So why continue to retain Kirkor as the go-to arch of record then? Anyone can dream up cute shapes but if you're serious about constructing them, a competent firm is required to execute.

As far as I am concerned, Tridel can use Kirkor all they want in their suburban developments along the 401. Just hire someone better for downtown projects.
The OMB date starting on February 21 will be a board-led mediation, not a hearing. Huh.

dataBase file updated with Teeple images and data. Attached at the top of the page.

Not my style but an Interesting looking building. Does anyone know what kind of colour is going into the facade's windows? They look clear which looks cheap!
Compared to the initial renderings, I think this looks fantastic. It runs a chance of looking a bit junky depending on the materials, but if done right this will be a great addition. This is such a fantastic, exciting intersection. I'm definitely excited.
I like it too, but how is this going to fly when everything is so short around there??
Not for long. Go feast on the exquisite coming to the Entertainment District post over in the news section. Lots of goodies in store on the east side of Spadina south of here, and the Well will balance things out on the west side.

If anything, this will just very nicely flank the coming density in this area east of Spadina.
The design is nice, but the rendering promoted a very unrealistic look for the building envelope (like big giant sheets of nothing but glass without any mullions or support? Only Apple does that, and Tridel isn't Apple). We will need to see the details to really judge.

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