So let me get this straight... not only is the LCBO spending tax-payer's money on focus groups and consultants (do I smell another scandal?) but they are doing this to try to figure out how to sell more booze when they already hold the monopoly on it?... AND they're trying to figure out how to get young people to drink more???!!! This disgusts me no end.
I think the LCBO is self-financed, but protected from competition, no? I don’t think they’re tax financed...
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It all feels a little shady to me. Self-financed or not the government mandate that protects it renders it a government body in my eyes, and its profits essentially taxes. Our government being involved in booze and gambling just sits uncomfortable with me. It is a conflict of interest that they just cannot put the right spin on, and all the more so when I hear that they're trying to get more people to drink... should this really be the mandate of anything remotely related to government?
It's even worse when you consider that OHIP covers the treatment for liver damage etc. resulting from abuse of the LCBO's products.
Yuk...mustard coloured brick in a well established heritage red brick area.:rolleyes:

It looks a lot better than the new buildings with red brick in the area like Quad Lofts. The dull new red brick looks terrible compared to the old factories (like the building connected?) It looks like trying to match a white shirt with ivory pants.
I have a friend that lives in the Hudson that I hang out with frequently so having an LCBO right across the street is going to be awesomely convenient! :D
I'm pretty sure it's a 10 year lease, right? With how fast this building went up, I think it makes it worth it. Remember, If they had wanted to integrate it with a condo, they'd have to design it, sell it and build it. We'd be looking at an empty lot for another six or seven years. I say bring on the LCBO, and maybe 15 years from now we'll have a great building on this corner.
This LCBO went up extremely fast. Even if they're only here for 3 holiday seasons, they're going to rake in the cash. I wonder why more developers don't lease out the land they're sitting on for 5-6 years without building anything instead of awful gravel/dirt parking lots? Surely this would provide higher and steadier revenues than parking spaces?
A friend and I were talking about this in relation to the parking lot at Blue Jays Way and Wellington right where Element is. But we figured 200 spots or so at an average of $15 a day (or even more depending on the number of times the spots turn over) is $90,000 a month. And that's with basically no risk or overhead except paying some guy minimum wage to sit in a booth.

So you might make a bundle selling it, but just letting it sit there is pretty profitable too.
Yeah, I guess that's hard to beat. Plus, nothing to tear down when you're ready to excavate.
With a Winners being built at Queen/Portland, I would suspect the Winners here at King/Spadina will close down! Hence in 3 yrs possibly expanding the LCBO.
October 31 Picture

The Spadina side:
So let me get this straight... not only is the LCBO spending tax-payer's money on focus groups and consultants (do I smell another scandal?) but they are doing this to try to figure out how to sell more booze when they already hold the monopoly on it?... AND they're trying to figure out how to get young people to drink more???!!! This disgusts me no end.

The ironic thing is that we have the LCBO supposedly to prevent young people from drinking and overall to have more control over alcohol sales. Do young people need more encouragement to drink? Their sales are up quite a bit this year anyway because fewer people are going out and more are staying home and buying alcohol without the ridiculous entertainment district markup. And yeah, lower prices would be nice, especially on Californian wine, which is still priced as if the USD/CDN exchange ratio was about .70. Ridiculous. And how about some real sales, instead of 40 cents off a bottle of scotch?
This store may open sooner than you think. This weekend, the tiling crew is finishing up the floor and the t-bar ceiling frame, HVAC and electrical is near complete. This is definitely opening before the end of November, possibly earlier than that, say 3 weeks.
