by me from today



I really like what this project does for the Bay streetwall, but I still feel like the tower is a bit brutal-- very shapeless. Usually I'm all about the 90-degree angles, but suddenly on this project I find myself looking for more shape-- I think it's because it's got such a big footprint. On the other hand, I think once the vertical fin features are done all the way to the top of the finished tower, it will be less jarring and it will pull the design together. We'll see!

Good updates :)

According to the most recent render, it looks as though the fins have been scrapped.

The design works without the fins, somehow, but it would be nicer with them.

Please tell me that someone just photoshopped that to mess with our heads. Is it a joke? :p
It's hard to believe almost two years have passed since the "Big Pour".

Amazing how quickly that big hole has become this big building - time sure flies.

it's funny how in each official render of this tower, we never really saw the actual glass in real life!
The fins were a nice addition to an otherwise box tower, but if they DID add the fins, i'm sure it would look A LOT like the bay adelaide centre...
Guys, quick question, but will the Four Seasons' final height reach to about the tip of Uptown's crane?

My guess is from Urbandreamer's view it will look just a tad taller than Uptown's crane in that shot. Something like this:


(Original Urbandreamer here on UT )
